A critique of No Man's Sky after 450 hours

Hey kids!

After playing and very much enjoying the Cartographers Expedition, I decided to start a new Normal Mode save to get a feel for all the new content in the Frontiers patch. No Man’s Sky continues to be one of my favourite games, and every patch has delivered great new features and mechanics (and at no additional cost, as we all know and love)!

In the course of my recent (and ongoing) playthrough, I was reminded of some of the things I don’t like about No Man’s Sky. My goal here is not to whine about the game, but rather to invite conversation about how the game could be made better. let me know what you think!

First, though, let’s go over the things NMS does best. It’s an unparalleled space exploration game. Exploring planets and collecting cool ships, multitools and freighter fleets are among many players favourite activities. It’s also a brilliant builder. From base designing to industrial supply chains, to farming, interstellar trading, fleet management and the recently-released settlement content, the replayability of the game is nearly endless.

There are, however, a couple of things that get in the way of our favourite activities in No Man’s Sky, namely:

  1. Categorically bad quest design
  2. A poorly scaled reward system

I’ll go over what I mean by these two aspects one by one.

Quest Design
Time-limited expeditions aside, there are broadly speaking three types of quests in NMS:

  • the main quest (e.g. Artemis, Atlas Path)
  • side quests (e.g. the Farmer, Base Computer, Settlement); and
  • radial quests (e.g. Guild quests, Navigation Data waypoints)

All theses quests are procedurally generated to some degree, with objectives that spawn on random planets, following certain templates (ie. abandoned building, collect x resource, destroy 5 sentinals).

The main quest includes a long tutorial (far too long), followed by what is essentially a series of quests that are indistinguishable from what I’m calling radial quests. Once you get to the Anomaly and finish the base building tutorial, the rest of the Artemis path consists of a series of incredibly repetitive tasks (locate a distress signal again, return to space and contact Apollo again, activate a Holo-Terminus again).

The transition from tutorial to “storyline” is also poorly executed. Why am I visiting a multitool trader half-way through the third main quest chapter? Why I am doing guild missions for the Gek in Patterns in Time?

More broadly, the pacing of introducing new mechanics via side quests is completely off. By the time you get to the Exocraft Technician questline, you will almost definitely have progressed to a point where exocrafts are only marginally useful. Rather than drive to your mission objective, you’ll just hop in a spaceship and be there in 20 seconds. It would be so much better if we were given the Minotaur before we purchased 3 S-class environmental protection modules, hazmat gloves, etc! Why is the submarine questline only triggered at the very end of the Artemis path? Wouldn’t it be better to encourage players to explore the incredible underwater worlds earlier? Also, what the hell even is the Atlas Path?

The opening tutorial up to the Anomaly is some of NMS’s finest gameplay. Learning how to survive on a hostile planet, collect and refine resources, build your first base and launch into space is a thrill, and probably the main reason longtime players still crave a fresh save file. The base technician quests also have the potential to engage the player in new activities, in particular the timed exocraft missions and the agriculture missions that send you to different biomes to become more self-reliant.

The structure and pacing of main quest/tutorial actively turns you off these mechanics by delivering them too late/slowly and forcing you on a wild goose chase of irritating generic fetch quests.

While No Man’s Sky is primarily a sandbox, it does have a wonderful tongue-and-cheek lore. The main quest “delivers” this lore in such a grueling way, I find myself clicking through the majority of the dialogue boxes without reading them an hour or two in.

So many of the tutorial videos on YouTube essentially explain to new players how to quickly get resources and access game mechanics without doing the main quest or radial quests-- How to scrap ships for nanites (instead of doing repetitive radial quests), How to farm money, etc. That in and of itself is proof of the problem.

Of course you might say “just don’t do the Artemis path”. Fair enough, but I don’t think I’m alone in being a bit of a completionist in the games I play. It bugs me to have quest objectives active that I’m putting off. I think there’s a better solution.

Poorly-scaled rewards

Related to the poor pacing of quests and gameplay mechanic delivery is the equally poor scaling of rewards. The early quests attempt to entice you by giving blueprints for craftable equipment that opens up new gameplay possibilities (refiners, for example). However, these are delivered so slowly that new players quickly figure out that they can get the blueprints faster by simply grinding to collect salvaged data. Let’s be honest folks: collecting salvaged data is a fairly boring way to progress through the game.

Once you’ve unlocked a ton of blueprints with data, most of the quests become pointless. I’m not going to do seven Base Computer archive recovery quests before unlocking the Medium Refiner. Just no.

Then we get to the radial quests, which reward the player with guild standing and some token resource that is easy to harvest (175 chromatic metal, anyone?). Guild standing basically does nothing, aside from make certain purchases 6% cheaper. Considering that these are also repetitive and grindy, I’d expect a more interesting reward. High-level quests should be longer, more complex, and give meaningful rewards that encourage the player to engage with them (more like the Expedition milestones or Weekend Community missions, for example).

Missed opportunities and ideas for improvement

I don’t want to just rant about the negatives here. I think there are ways quest design and rewards in NMS can improve in the future. Here are just a few ideas:

  • Better rewards (nanites, salvaged data, blueprints, storage augments, SFMs are good rewards-- 47538 units or 5 warp cells is a lame reward)
  • Introduce exocraft way earlier when they’re actually useful
  • Don’t make me climb three ladders at a boring Holo-Terminus just for the privilege of clicking through three lines of dialogue. Those quests suck.
  • Encourage exploration rather than exposition! Send me to new planets and systems. Not ones I’ve already visited. A good procedurally generated quest can be: visit one of each biome, scan all the critters on a planet, etc. These encourage you to get distracted and take in the sights. The main quest and side quests typically have you bounce between 2-3 planets you’ve already visited.
  • Expand on the guilds! Make reputation meaningful and make interesting rewards/unlockable mechanics. Nobody wants another Korvax Casing. Nobody.

To be fair, Hello Games has done great work on NMS in so many ways. Thankfully, it’s possible to enjoy this game without doing anything more than getting to the anomaly. (Thank god we don’t need to do manufacturing facilities anymore to unlock crafting blueprints). I realise they’re a small team and it’s a very, very complicated piece of software. Rather than overhaul the storyline or anything, one thing they could do would be to simply allow the player to disable the Artemis Path on a new save.

Game modes could be like this

Story Mode
Sandbox Mode
Expedition Mode (when applicable)

with 4 difficulty levels for each game mode: Creative, Normal, Survival and Permadeath.

Sandbox Mode would disable the Artemis Path after you repair your ship. You’d have access to the Anomaly after your first jump.

That would greatly increase the quality of life of many seasoned players.

These are my ideas. Sorry/not sorry for the wall of text. Let me know what you think!


I think most here will agree with what you have said.
For me, I want to see more Lore and I want to see it make sense in the story line. Right now, it is hard to even decipher exactly what is happening and yet, there is a good story under it all. But, I do believe HG is not done and I do believe and hope that one day there will be a story/lore update which will revamp the whole tale and present it in a more understandable and rewardable way. Right now, the different parts of the story feel disconnected.
Even with that said, I have put in over 2000 hours of gameplay because there is nothing else like NMS out there and I doubt there ever will be.


Yep! The lore is good! Part of the problem with the pacing and quest design is that it kind of turns players off the lore. Rather than “wow I wanna know more” it becomes “Oh no, more dialogue!”

I expect tons more great stuff from HG as well. This recent playthrough just kind of made me able to express certain things I’ve long felt about the game more concisely and precisely.


The lore is cool, and the delivery is…to avoid saying terrible let’s call it awkward. Not long ago I took it into my head to buy a BUNCH of maps, which lead me on a long series of abandoned building visits. They were not what I was looking for actually, but of course i harvested mass nanites along the way. I also read the story delivered one line at a time in an almost straight through fashion.

Very cool. 10/10, would recommend. Of course, you can read it even more straight through on the internet where someone has posted all the lines collected in order. That way you can even look back on the whole story, without painstakingly screenshotting each individual piece yourself. And that is the problem. Individually, scattered through however many dozens of hours as you more or less randomly bump into abandoned buildings, the individual lines make no darn sense at all.

A simple journal function that would record the stories line by line as you encounter them so you can review them and see how they connect would be a great addition, IMO.


Yes! Quest journal!


I agree with everyone. :sweat_smile:

I’m a writer by hobby, and hopefully one day for a few Units. The NMS universe is at once fascinating and a bit frustrating. Every “world” in every book, show, movie or game has a story behind it that more or less explains the whos, whats, wheres, whens and whys.

No Man’s Sky does a pretty bad job of this, if it does this at ALL which I’m still not sure about, and this is why it frustrates me a bit.

Dragging Waking Titan into it, there was this quaint little hunk of dirt in space where a civilization was tinkering with the fabric of reality by building a massive quantum computer, and one day… something happened. What? Who knows. Which transitions not at all into—

Wow… I woke up with no memories or background information on a hostile planet with a hellish environment trying to kill me, and all my stuff is broken, and what the hell am I doing here next to a wrecked ship? It’s mine, I assume… I guess I’d better fix everything and head on out…

Which leads us into a universe with a bunch of lore and history which barely exists, leaving us to collect goodies in a rich, pretty universe which is still trying to kill us, though not so much anymore. Because there’s not really all that much to do or discover, just get rich.

This universe has the bare bones of an incredible history - or should have.

  • Once upon a time, the universe was teeming with civilization, with a multitude of races and cultures.
  • And then ATLAS appeared and filled the galaxy with Sentinels (Aerons originally) which made everyone drop this civilization stuff and do… nothing?
  • And then one race wouldn’t stand for that and fought the Sentinels until they were driven out of the (Euclid?) galaxy almost entirely, which greatly depleted and exhausted them.
  • And then war broke out thanks to another race running amok thanks to the first bunch being worn out and their numbers killed off greatly, wiped out a whole bunch of races, and enslaved a third race that just wanted to study the universe and learn from this ATLAS thing they kind of worship.
  • And then this race sort of quit for… reasons, and became the Amazon Prime of the universe.
  • And then a multitude of guys called Travelers / Travellers appeared and started flying all over, helped to one extent or another by the Three Races for… reasons?
  • And so… what the hell does it all mean? Why is this universe like this?

We barely know anything outside of the conflict between Vy’keen / ATLAS / Gek going back n forth at each other, while the Korvax just try to get along with everyone. Maybe try to guide the other two races… but maybe not.

This is a basis for an incredible history / story which just isn’t there. I became so impatient - after four years or so - to begin writing a fiction about it, and taking this issue of a vague seemingly meaningless universe head on. I’m creating my own lore based on the tidbits Team Mercury have stingily been feeding us, based on a rather strange and seemingly unfinished premise, and trying to draw logical conclusions from it.

I’m having fun with it, and poking fun at a lot of it. But I’m trying to be dead serious about the whole thing. Why there were civilizations all over, with many many different cultures, and why they vanished without a trace, which frankly sounds impossible. Why the Three Races are basically twiddling their thumbs for the most part and putting up with the status quo. Why no one ever bothers asking Big Questions as to… well, WHY this universe is This Way, and apparently every galaxy is sort of a clone of each other.

At the very least, the Korvax should be intent to uncover every scrap of knowledge of the past they can. There should be scholars and sages who spend all their lives advertising for explorers to go explore for them. Find old ruins, places of historical significance that should be out there, even if the universe is half erased by a mess of mysterious and baffling Resets that happen in no discernable pattern, save for vague anniversaries, but for no apparent reason. There should be a whole slew of quests based on these Three Races and their Guilds, and as has been said, suitable, relevant rewards for doing them. And they should be woven deeply into the story of this universe, but completely ignorable if you don’t want to pay attention to them. I’m hoping Team Mercury gets it, and gets inspired to do something remotely similar in their own brilliant way.

Yeah, I’ve been writing today now that life is finally not crazy. Now I can focus for a while on why this universe is crazy. Thank you for reading another Stryker essay. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Good summary, I hope HG reads this forum.

Another example of that, Atlas Passes. In the early game, gathering tiny amounts of Carbon and Natrium is what keeps you alive. Atlas Passes give us access to more containers and extra rooms in minor settlements (in my head I call it “The traveller entered and ate our flowers straight from the pot. Again”), sounds great. When do we get the Atlas Passes? After we have survived for so long that loot-behind-locked-doors is not relevant anymore…

Noticing a 6% change requires that I have memorised the previous price… A reward that players don’t know about nor notice is a lost opportunity. I know the levels of guild standing are tracked under Discoveries, but I had rather the NPCs told me that in game. It’s no good that the whole early-game standing progression dialogue cannot be understood.

The Holo-Terminus feels like “insert prototypical scifi elements here” — and then HG forgot it existed. If you find one now by exploring, let me guess, you don’t even stop anymore?

The Atlas Path feels like an early test run of the quest system and early spooky story telling that has become vestigial . The first time it starts, the player doesn’t even know that there is an Atlas language, and we miss the story dialogue. Much later we realise we could learn this language, but why bother now, we can’t get these dialogues anymore… Maybe a completionist thinks, “in my next new game I’ll grind monoliths and then do the Atlas path for real”, but be honest, has anyone done that? :wink: Another lost opportunity.

Yup. It‘s been pieced together over years by different people. I hope they can make a lore overhaul.

Exactly, that was one of many first suggestions on the support forum after the game was released. :innocent: Lacking this, players take fullscreen screenshots of dialogues and quest descriptions. Later we go back to the screenshot folder and find - a mess of landscape photos and UI photos… and we are now unable to find neither landscapes nor dialogues… Just great…


And don’t get me started whining about lost opportunities with the broken language system. Not only does it have severe and completely unnecessary problems with localisation, but it also does not provide any meaningful progression…

What if… the player actually could learn to understand useful easy concepts (buy, sell, resources, reasons for faction rewards) in all dialogues early on, just one or two keywords, and slowly revealed more details by learning more words?

One example that they may have originally planned a progression is the atavistic “hello … friend!” dialogues with many Gek, which turn, after much language study, into “hello stupid friend”. That’s a fun way to make a player feel that studying a language suddenly made them understand another culture more deeply! :smiley:

I don’t know whether the localisation has been fixed by now, because it was incomprehensible and I just switched to English. Is anyone else playing in another language and can report…?

The problem was that in English, many different words superficially look the same (the love / to love, the content / to be content, the view / to view, …), and these word pairs are represented as one alien word… meaning the translators only got one shot to provide a translation for each such word pair even if in the target language to-love and the-love are not the same…

So (made up worst case example) an English sentence “I’d love to view this content” might be localised as “I-had the-love to the-view this satisfied” into other languages… I saw international streamers who skipped dialogues and language learning because the translation remained gibberish even after they learned the alien language. :woman_shrugging:

Has that been fixed by now?

Other languages have word endings or suffixes or prefixes, e.g. simple words like “love” have like 12 endings depending on where it stands or whether it’s a noun or a verb…
English has three articles, the, a, an. “The” and “a” correspond to half a dozen words in Romance and Scandinavian languages, and a dozen words in German… and in slavic and asian languages, no articles exist at all… some asian languages also don’t have plural forms… many languages don’t have pronouns (“you”, “they”)…
“An” doesn’t exist in other languages, and where languages like French have article variants before words starting with vowels, the have them before different words than English…
Other languages have different word order as well.

They would need to have the localisation team translate all dialogues properly. Then they would need to rank words roughly from common to rare, and tag what’s a content word and what’s a function word. (The game seems to following such an order when teaching new words.) And the list of learnable words, as well as the translation mapping from comprehensible sentences to Alien words, needd to be done programmatically for each language.
The game file hackers would then need to publish all language mappings so everyone gets their fair share of manufacturing building spoilers, but at least dialogues would make sense.


Your view of the lore is interesting! I see the plot similarly but for me it’s inherently tongue-and-cheek. If I had to sum it up briefly it would be something like this:

You appear on a world and gradually discover that there is the Atlas, etc. What’s behind the scenes? You’re just an iteration in a gigantic simulated universe! Get it? It’s like you’re playing a video game and nothing is real and it’s all a simulation! Would you like to reset?

I kind of like this meta approach to a video game plot that doesn’t take itself too seriously.

I do think there are opportunities to expand on the language aspect and the factions/races/guilds.

For instance, maybe increasing reputation with the merchants guild allows you to access different inventories or products. Maybe with a super high reputation you can even purchase nanites for units at some exchange rate!

Maybe the explorers guild rewards you with a high tech scanner that lets you scan entire biomes at once, but only after you’re at max reputation. Maybe along the way you get rewarded with S-class stuff or blueprints.

Maybe the mercenaries guild allows you to call in and eventually command squadrons of AI ships. Or they give you access to super high value targets by level 10. Maybe you even get to steal ships, frigates and freighters rather than just shoot containers.

One aspect that needs to be accounted for is potential conflict between factions. I think one of the central premises of NMS is that your choices don’t have permanent repercussions. You can anger the guilds by engaging in piracy but make it better by doing missions. The disadvantage of this is that it discourages roleplay (are you a thief or a protector?). The advantage is that it means you can explore all aspects of the game with one character.

I think you can maintain this premise while makimg some choices more meaningful and impactful.

Maybe the merchamts guild really doesn’t like the mercenary guild so you have to choose between lucrative piracy or lucrative trade. There can be a point in the questline where you can change allegiances or repair your reputation. I don’t think it’s a problem if you have to choose one or the other as long as there’s a way to change course later on.

Hmm… I think you meant to say that a bit differently.

Campy movies like Austin Powers are meant as cute spoofs of… actually, all kinds of things. Spy flicks, environmentalists, bad parents, gigolos… it’s a grab bag of puns and innuendos which is very cleverly put together. But Mike Myers doesn’t break the fourth wall and talk about how fun it is to be in a dumb spy flick. I think it’s Deadpool that does that, and as little as I like that comic and movie, that aspect makes me like it even less. It takes it to the point that there’s no reason for him to be doing anything, except not doing his shtick would be mind numbingly boring.

Meanwhile, Austin Powers and Dr Evil take themselves and their world extremely seriously, and that adds to the fun of it. All the aspects of some 1960s secret agent who fell in love with all mod stuff to the point it’s his whole identity, and all the implications involved, make Austin at once absurd and adorable. If he looked at the camera and said, “Yew know, I don’t really enjoy all this frilly nonsense, but it’s giving me an eight figure paycheck,” well… illusion shattered, freaking grah. I’d groan in disgust.

This isn’t that kind of game. I know I keep mentioning my fic, but in it, I touch on this very aspect of the young hero pondering just what it means to be in a simulation. A simulation of what? For what purpose? To explore racial behavior? Cultural development? Even entertainment to some incredibly advanced race? But if some pirate was idling out in space and radioed, “We’re not going to fight right now, I’m on break,” and found out there were other absurdist tidbits scattered through the galaxy, I’d do everything I could to avoid them.

Maybe that’s your bag, but I hope that’s not what Team Mercury had in mind. If at some point they pulled something like the original end to Evangelion and let on that there really was no point to anything, I’d feel cheated.

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Amen! In my PD save, I keep wishing I could open those containers now. They sometimes hold antimatter which would be very useful in my barely modded ship

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I buy the first atlas pass recipe immediately when I get to the anomaly now that I can. I honestly don’t remember when you get it “naturally.”


Amen! 16/16/16 is the countdown to the end of the simulation. As we uncover this fact, we have to decide, do we just let it end or do we find a way to stop it? We kind of do that with the Atlas Path ( or whichever storyline that is in…so confusing) but only by deciding not to reset the simulation…that is not really a solution but rather, a denial of the eventuality.


Yes. Thanks for the reminder. However, now that so much is available at the Anomaly, it renders the Expand your base quest, obsolete. When the story was originally written, we had no vendors on the Anomaly. So just another piece that needs to be rewritten.


Yeah. I just started a game, for writing purposes, that I am trying to play “with a fresh eye.” In that view I think the anomaly can be a gigantic spoiler. However, from a replayability standpoint I think it is almost necessary and should probably be made even stronger. It is almost, but not quite, to the point that a veteran player can just skip the “main quest” line altogether, and after a certain number of grinds through what (as noted) is pretty much a really really long tutorial that really appeals.


I don’t buy Atlas passes ever. Or until the very end just to make my file feel “complete”. I just buy full stacks of all the basic resources at space stations and craft massive quantities of everything. Freighter boxes get sorted by category and everything gets stockpiles. I don’t harvest anything manually once I can refine it or farm it passively. But that’s just me.

In my first normal save I bought 30 frigates and ran them on missions constantly while producing circuit boards from a freighter base and hunting for ships.

My goal was to always have enough money to buy anything plus a nest egg for that special s class freighter or hauler.

I just can’t bring myself to go out of my way to get something that has no value unless it’s like a decoration for my mega-base or something. Every purchase is designed to maximize profit and progress lol (not like real life).

For example, I never upgrade my mining be anymore. Everything can be bought or farmed much more quickly.


I don’t see it as camp. More as an hommage to classic sci-fi but also a very self-reflective, deeply experimental video game that explores the very nature of simulated worlds. With a sense of humour. I don’t think NMS is trying to have the gravitas of Dune or anything. Maybe that’s just my cynical perspective though.

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That sounds ominously like the basis for another Reset… dun dun dun:sweat_smile:

I know many of us, myself included, have been nudging Team Mercury to outright demanding that they stop resetting everything in the universe. After a Fallout 4-slash-Gran Turismo Sport-induced hiatus from my beloved alternate reality, I forgot just about everything of how to play. It made me afraid to return. I did briefly once, and to my horror, I couldn’t remember how to do anything but fly my ship and shoot my Multitool, my one Multitool. Which became the basis for Nigel’s amnesia, for a chuckle morsel. But even more, my base had vanished, and my three Gek and Vy’keen friends with it - the Korvax having “passed away,” as I recall. So I was glad to hear that HG had decided against any more such disruptions.

However, a few people pointed out that one more sweeping Reset, or so, to enable some much needed enhancements to the engine and other technical issues would be a good idea, even if it meant that the universe took on a slightly altered form. In that case, assuming Team Mercury considers doing that, I’d hope they managed to package everyone’s constructions, Freighters, Frigates and so on, so we could get them restored. If it meant a much better universe with more story goodies, as well as fabulous new features, I’d be all for it.

One quickie on this point. At the “end” of my “first” playthrough, I did the Reset option, and chose the nice outcome. I think it threw me into the Hilbert “dimension.” After exploring it ever so briefly, I thought I really didn’t want to leave a galaxy / dimension of which I had experienced all of 0.00000000000000000001% of it - and yes I believe that’s the calculation. I quit that save and loaded back in the first of my two alternates, and continued from where I left off just before I went into the ATLAS Station, where I then chose not to Reset and continue exploring Euclid. I believe that was before Waking Titan. At the point of some later Reset, my two reserve saves were deleted. The avid players will remember which one did that. In any case, this save I’m using right now is the original from Release Day, with just a hair over 2100 hours of playtime. I guess you could say I’m a fan. :star_struck:

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That’s cool. In all honesty I only started playing NMS just after Expedition 1 (grrr I missed it) but have played 450 or so hours since!

The “reset the simulation” is not really a particularly meaningful decision (aside from limited roleplay value) because you can travel to any galaxy via teleport instantly.

On my first save, I used glyphs to travel to the centre of several galaxies and made bases in each just out of curiosity.

As I understand it, the difference between the 128 (I think?) galaxies is pretty minimal and basically comes down to the percentage change of certain biomes spawning.

In some ways, I think NMS should only make incremental changes to address the problems we’ve been discussing here and mostly keep the game intact.

Some time in the next ten years or so, HG should consider doing a “No Man’s Sky 2” in which major mechanics could be re-evaluated. It’s easy to forget that NMS is a really cutting edge, experimental piece of software that in many ways pushes the limits of gaming even in 2021.

I would love to ask HG what they would do differently in a new game built from the ground up after working with their current engine for so long.


The universe of No Man’s Sky comprises 255 unique galaxies . In turn, these are composed of:

  • 4.2 billion regions (the limit of a 32 bit integer)
  • each of which contain more than 122 and up to roughly 580 star systems

All star systems feature from 2-6 planets and moons, and usually a single space station. There are about 18 quintillion possibilities (seeds) for planets (the limit of a 64 bit integer).

Players start in galaxy 1, Euclid, and travel through galaxies in order by reaching the Galaxy Centre or jump several by finishing the New Beginnings primary mission. After the player leaves galaxy 255 (Iousongola), they return to the first galaxy again. There are several methods of moving to a different galaxy, and various hazards and damages will occur during the transfer.
There are four types of galaxies:

  • Empty - This type is referred to in-game as Ancestral , Frozen , Exhausted or Silent galaxy, and displayed with a blue hologram.
    The following numbered galaxies belong to this type: 7, 12, 27, 32, 47, 52, 67 etc, a total of 26. [1]
  • Harsh - This type is referred to in-game as Burning , Raging , Relentless or Ruthless galaxy, and displayed with a red hologram.
    The following numbered galaxies belong to this type: 3, 15, 23, 35, 43, 55, 63 etc, a total of 26.
  • Lush - This type is referred to in-game as Halcyon , Inspiring , Serene or Tranquil galaxy, and displayed with a green hologram.
    The following numbered galaxies belong to this type: 10, 19, 30, 39, 50, 59, 70 etc, a total of 25.
  • Norm - This type is referred to in-game as Imperfect , Improved , Parallel or Rebuilt galaxy, and displayed with a cyan hologram.
    The majority of the galaxies belong to this type, a total of 178.