Your mind about the statements

Yesterday, in the hurry, it was a bit hard for finding the right solution. But now, what would be your 5 “letters” answer based on:
Waking Titan - Groups - ?

I didn’t do the math myself, but discord users have a consensus that G_ONT is the correct answer. They are as sure of it as they are annoyed with the twitch voting system it seems.


Well, if i’m not wrong, to have a “N” in 4th we need 01001110 for the group 4
That means a 0 for “4. Water cannot freeze and boil at the same time”

In my opinion a 1 is clearly better:

some other statements can be wrong too (i don’t say which ones to not affect your opinion)

Of course i can be wrong :wink:


This comes down to interpretation of course… I was also inclined to answer “true” here, but on closer examination the triple point only says that given a starting phase of water, any other phase can be achieved by arbitrarily small changes in the system. It doesn’t say that the water is actually freezing and boiling at the same time. You could see the triple point as the point where pressure and temperature is not enough to accurately deduce which phase the water is in. So yea, the statement is false imo.


It doesn’t have to be the triple point. If you take water ice at, say, -5 degrees C, and reduce the pressure, the water will sublimate - it passes into the vapour phase without going through the liquid phase. It’s effectively boiling and frozen at the same time.

That’s how freeze drying works.

Yes, it seems some of the questions were made somewhat vague and open to interpretation that it would cause contention among translations.

For example, you could both freeze and boil water at the same time if you had two sources of water, the statement does not limit one from doing so.

It was designed specifically to cause dispute.

Clever AI, turning humanity against themselves haha Will make the clean up easier!


Let’s just take tge sentence:
“The triple point of a water is the unique combination of temperature and pressure at which solid phase, liquid phase, and gaseous phase can all coexist in thermodynamic equilibrium.”

If the 3 CAN ALL COEXIST then it’s possible.

It’s like the statement about “6. Sirius isn’t the most luminous star in the sky”
maybe were we too “clever” in saying that loop16 didn’t talk about night.
Same with “4. Le radeau de la méduse: July 1816” in group 5. Yes, historically it’s true. BUT, all group 5 statements were about ART… So it become wrong because the painting came later of course.

Many interpretations are possible, that’s why i don’t believe that G_ONT was the good result.

@kerdorin At the triple point, you can have one patch of water as ice, and another patch as gas or liquid. The same patch of H2O molecules however, can not both be ice (with strong bonds between molecules) and vapour (with hardly any bonds) at the same time, no matter how small the patch. So yes, different patches of water can coexist at different phases under the same P-T conditions, but the same collection of molecules can not be in different phases at the same time. Btw I do agree with you that these questions are open to interpretation!

@Polyphemus Freeze drying is a process that happens in time, so both phases are not present at the same time for the same collection of water molecules. Even though water passes very quickly from one phase to the next, I wouldn’t say that the same water is in both phases during the sublimation. Rather, it goes from gas to solid very very quickly. Even if the change is instantaneous, if you freeze-frame (no pun intended) the sublimation process, you’d have frames in which the water is vapour and frames in which it is solid (even if at an ever so slightly time interval after that).

Now, did Loop16 consider these academic differences when making the questions? Question is, which answer does Emily recognise as the true answer?

Or, basically, wich answer does alice & smith studio recognise as the true answer? :crazy_face:

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Another thing. If on Discord i saw they found G_ONT it means to say yes to:“8. 20 C = 1 125 FT/S” in group 3 (in view to obtain the 01001111 for O)

Am i wrong in thinking that C is the speed of light and FT/S foot per second ?
If so, 20C seem slow no ?

if that is twenty times the speed of light then yes - this is crazy slow!

I read it is the speed of sound at 20 Celsius degrees.

@kerdorin @William aha! good one! yes then this is (nearly) true. Check here, enter 20 for Celcius :slight_smile:

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Argh… so they use Celsius (and not F) with foot ? ??? tsss

anyway, we can’t say that 20°C = xxxft/s. all other statements were directly linked, not this one. Always interpretations :frowning:

The reasoning I had for G_ONT was correct had nothing to do with the answers of each question. But that G_ONT was cyphered as T_BAG using ROT13. In their method of thinking it would make sense for them to give a way to check the answer.

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i saw that on Discord yes, but… well. They also could have 00101110 for the group2 to give the “.” if they really want us to find T_BAG at the end. Because G@ONT is a bit “light” compared to the rest ot the ARG i think.

Question 2. A teaspoonful of neutron star would weigh 10 billion tons

The issue was that googling for “teaspoonful of neutron star” gets

“A teaspoon of neutron star material would weigh about 10 million tons. The gravitational field is intense; the escape velocity is about 0.4 times the speed of light. The collapsed star is so dense that electrons and protons do not exist separately, but are fused to form neutrons.”

As the first hit, this is from

But the second link : What would a teaspoonful of neutron star do to you?
in the article has the sentence “which means that the total mass in a teaspoon is somewhere on the order of 10 billion tons”

The first link gives you 00000001 for group 2 or G_ONT overall

But the second changes it to 01000001 / A and GAONT overall

Then GAONT anagrammed gets you TANGO…

Other sources -

Wikpedia has “A neutron star is so dense that one teaspoon (5 milliliters) of its material would have a mass over 5.5×10^12 kg” - ten to the 12 is a billion so 5.5 billion kg or 5.5 million tons~ but has the caveat “The equation of state of matter at such high densities is not precisely known because of the theoretical difficulties associated with extrapolating the likely behavior of quantum chromodynamics, superconductivity, and superfluidity of matter in such states along with the empirical difficulties of observing the characteristics of neutron stars that are at least hundreds of parsecs away.”

Neutron Star Crust Is Stronger than Steel | Space - "Neutron stars are so dense that if you could dip a teaspoon into one of them and scoop out some of its neutrons the spoon would weigh 100 million tons. "

Human error indeed but the answer is actually at the limit of our actual scientific knowledge, with many answers from difference sources.

edit : any math errors are because im only human :slight_smile:


Thank you for that, even if interpretations are staying here and there, i really prefer this solution to the strange G_ONT.

I will have a better sleep :stuck_out_tongue:

So TANGO was the good answer, quite funny after all ^^

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