Wishes and Wants

I wish we could assign the slots in our backpacks.
All carbon in these slots. Ferrite in those. I have to reorganize my pockets on a regular basis. Not too big a deal but I like things to be arranged a certain way.


Iā€™m of mixed opinions on this. I move stuff around a lot, but itā€™s because I start accumulating more of one type resource than I originally planned, run our ov room in one area, etc.

So if I were to reserve a slot area for a type of resource, Iā€™d have to changing how which slots were reserved for what.

Some have suggested a menu choices of groupings to include alphabetical, by resource type, manual, and more.

With the way I play, manual would still be my choice.


I want the next best thing.


Yes. I understand. Since I do a lot of building, I prefer the materials for that be kept neatly together. And I would like it to be optional. More like ā€˜lockingā€™ an element to a slot with other slots being left unlocked.


Great. First everybody complained we didnā€™t have enough space, now that we have a whole hammerspace universe in our pocket, weā€™re getting trouble with lack of organisation. While Iā€™m still waiting for the inventory difficulty setting ā€œThe way it was at the effing start!ā€ :rofl:

I mean, inventory filters are kind of standard these days, so they could at least do thatā€¦


Yep. And I very rarely use more than half because I do not like scrolling down to see all my inventory


Iā€™d be happy with an auto sorter, that groups by type and then alphabetically within a type.


I would also like to also be able to select a slot and assign what that slot would be.

I like the auto sorter as well and it has its perks but our inventory is so large that it wont solve the larger issue for me either.

If we could chose what each slot would be for, I would assign the slots waaaay at the bottom for all the common resources that I have an abundance of such as oxygen, carbon, etc. and all the things that I usually want to throw away at the top, such as mordite and other things that come from creatures that I accidentally killed while fighting sentinels :sweat_smile:


I now want a way to upgrade my skiff and for a planetary scan to show if a planet has bodies of water.