What More Can We Do With Space?

Suggestion : Make some star systems ones with only large asteroids - - no planets, no portal, no space station. Reachable only via galactic map.

There’s actually an astronomy term for such systems, but I don’t recall it.

Such systems might have special or rare minerals. Asteroids large enough to land on might have some ancient relic.


I’m on board with this if it means there may be humming sac dangers and we can then punt biological horrors directly into space.


Or more likely, they bunt me into space…speaking of which, we do have jetpacks so why couldn’t we jet back?
Of course, then the whole rotation, planet motion issue comes back. Are these asteroids actually moving, because we would never be able to catch up. But if they are stationary like planets…


I would love to see in game implemented ability to fly very close to sun and harvest some energy & fuel. Like in our ‘real’ world aliens spaceships do.


Asteroid Systems :rock:


Star systems with only regular asteroids…

…aka. an empty system with no planets or any other celestial bodies, for those that like to build on regular asteroids in the most extreme isolation possible, uninhabited star systems with nothing but regular asteroids, and inhabited systems with partially populated asteroids, ft. little procedural dwelling places inhabited by little alien NPCs, dwarf aliens, “little green marten men with cute little antennas:alien:

…and probably other asteroid systems with regular aliens… Can we call the little green men another alien race? “Oh please mom, can we keep it!” Can we also play as these little midgets? Sorry Gek, but their cute.

Dwarf Systems :baby:

Star systems with only small planets.

Giant Systems :elephant:

Star systems with only XXXL planets.

Mixed Systems :sparkles:

Star systems with equal chances of regular planets, XXXL planets, small planets, regular asteroids, large asteroids, gas giants and potentially more. Can we think of any other celestial bodies, (literal or fantasied)?

  • Should we embrace the ‘flat earth theory’ somehow? :world_map:

  • I’m not sure about the whole, “earth sitting on elephant’s back.” But uh, sure why not, lol. While you’re at it, “universe sitting on SM’s back,” lol. (Thanks SM and HG for all you do. Much love!) :elephant:

  • Floating ‘space blob planets,’ green, multicolored or otherwise, ‘slime spheres’? (Do we walk on that? Boat on that? Does it require some special apparatus, mech or tech to traverse? Can we swim in it? What happens if I put it in my mouth? - You knew I’d try. So - Do I die? Only one way to find out!) :green_circle:

  • “It was at that moment that something began to squirm ‘withinside’ my stomach. I realized then that I was no longer alone. As it continued to grow, so too did I grow with it, until it had taken over me…”

  • Glassy ‘mirror planets’ where you see your reflection and the reflection of everything everywhere? (Not simply ‘shattered glass planets’ like we have, but crisp, clean and clear, maybe with an occasion crack here and there, etc.) :mirror_ball:

  • Glassy ‘glass planets’ in the sense of being semi-transparent, so that you can see partially through the ground everywhere, perhaps a semi-glowing ‘planetary core’ that lights up with a glowing warmth, seen faintly at day and most especially at night, or a core that rages as the burning inferno that it is? (Actually, that would also be interesting to experience when swimming below the water. Hmm) :crystal_ball:

  • Should we also have square planets, :package: oval, :egg: rectangle, diamond (like the shape of Atlas Stations), :diamonds: heart shaped, :heart: etc., ring shaped, and as if 2 rings intertwined, etc., :ring: infinity knot, Celtic knot, etc.? :knot:

  • Should all these be considered ‘Exotic Planets’, or should the more geometric / ‘odd shaped’ ones be consider ‘Geometric Planets’?

Should we have an ‘Exotic Star System’ for the exotic planets? ‘Geometric Star System’ for the odd shaped ones? Or should we keep all planets mixed with all planets? (Opinion: I think they should remain mixed, but occasionally be found isolated to their own systems, for a variation of how players may want their RPG.)

Gas Giants :white_circle:

How do you land on such a planet? Could build and gather from their atmospheres. Imagine the views from other planets. These magnificent glowing spheres would light up the night skies and illuminate the stars.

We’ll need a floating base computer, ability to fly through the floating base computer, because you know people are gonna get hung on those things just floating about. Fully embrace building in the sky, better incorporate it from what we have at present, not only for gas planets, but for all planets. Thank you!

Ringed Planets :ringer_planet:

I think we should add the ability to mine from planetary rings.

Why? #1 reason being, for the same reason I think we should add gas giants: Completeness!

How do you have an infinite universe and not have a ringed planet and gas giant in it? Just feels like it should be there, but that’s because I’m from this real-life universe where we have such things, :blush: lol.


  1. Can we find other purposes for gas planets besides building?
  2. Can we find other purposes for planetary rings besides mining?


  1. Can we find other stuff to mine from planetary rings besides what we already get from asteroids?

Gas Giants :white_circle:

Should each gas planet be made of an infinite supply of any specific gas? - Say, one’s made of oxygen, another of hydrogen, and so forth. - So we harvest from the atmospheres of gas giants. - But…

What else can we do with them? How can we create danger, adventure and exploration, even discovery?

  • Should the planet belch giant gas bubbles that can take out whole ships? :bubbles:
  • You have to avoid these or your entire plane falls helplessly below the atmosphere to a whiteout screen followed by a black screen ‘death quote.’

“Should gas giants gas giant gas bubbles?” Try saying that 16x faster! Or, “gas giants gas giant gas.”


  • Should the atmosphere occasionally blow gale-force winds? :dash:
  • We need a way to visualize these, so that perhaps players can see these coming and at least have some reaction time, unless flying quickly. Otherwise, be blown off course, some long distance. Perhaps this can blow something out of your ship’s cargo pods: “You just lost an item to gale-force winds.”

So great, we’re taken out by flatulent farts, gale-force thieves, and now…

  • We have to endure the gas giant’s temperatures, (hot or cold), toxicity, irradiation, etc., and…
  • Storms, tornados, etc., bird attacks, flying fish attacks, flying cow attacks, etc., pirate attacks, etc., and you have to be extra careful about the space weeds that blow in from the atmosphere. Gets all over things. You’ll need Haz-Mat Gauntlets and a keen eye for tiny seeds. They (1) explode, etc., which causes death, etc., (2) release horrors, etc., which causes death, etc., (3) carry food and cooking ingredients, etc., which sustains life, etc., (4) etc. (Brainstorm from there.) Some space weeds are themselves edible, etc. not just their seeds, while other space weeds are toxic or poisonous. Careful!

Again, you’ll need Haz-Mat Gauntlets in order to remove this stuff from bases, starships and even yourself, heaven forbid. (Note: Be especially careful of the flesh eating bugs, the blood suckers, and parasites these carry! They make spray, but it wears off quickly.) But don’t worry, there’s paradise gas planets out there, you just have to search around. You may find one of those eventually. Granted, nobody has :thinking: but eventually.

Ringed Planets :ringer_planet:

Can we find other purposes for planetary rings besides mining?

Should rings spin? They almost look like they could. Perhaps occasionally planetary rings have a chance of spinning quickly around the planet for some time. When this happens, it causes the planet to slowly change its overall temperature (hot or cold), toxicity, irradiation, etc., and suddenly you have to adjust accordingly. But don’t worry, things return to normal once they stop spinning, and not all planet’s planetary rings cause this to happen when they spin, and nor do all planet’s planetary rings even spin in the first place, so I think.

What else could spinning planetary rings bring?

Can we find other stuff to mine from planetary rings besides what we already get from asteroids?

I think when we mine planetary rings from space, we should get what we already get from asteroids, and one of the new ‘Starship Shield Damage’ substances that I discussed above. One unique substance per ringed planet, which also determines which hazard will occur when the rings spin, if they even spin at all.

Caution must be taken when mining rings from space, because you do not want to be in the rings when they start to spin, as this begins slamming numerous asteroids into your starship, and you must escape quickly.

Also, I think gas planets should have a chance of planetary rings…

Ringed Gas Giants :ringer_planet:

And yes, their rings should spin, too. Quite naturally, of course. :dizzy:

But then again, perhaps even asteroids should have rings. You know, for the “little green men.” :alien:


18 Quintillion Planets Across 255+ Galaxies

This is one galaxy of many other galaxies. What more can be done with space?

Consider how many star systems and how many planets there actually are.

Galaxy Types

We have unique probabilities per “galaxy hologram color type,” chances of specific planet types:

  • Empty (aka. Ancestral, Frozen, Exhausted or Silent) can be found in blue galaxies.
  • Harsh (aka. Burning, Raging, Relentless or Ruthless) can be found in red galaxies.
  • Lush (aka. Halcyon, Inspiring, Serene or Tranquil) can be found in green galaxies.
  • Norm (aka. Imperfect, Improved, Parallel or Rebuilt) can be found in cyan galaxies.

Note: We do not have anything unique per “galaxy core color type,” but per “galaxy hologram color type.” I’m referring to the galaxy holograms in the galaxy choice of “New Beginnings” mission of the Atlas Path.

Star Types

We have unique elements per “star system color type,” found on all planets in these systems:

  • Copper can be found in yellow star systems.
  • Cadmium can be found in red star systems.
  • Emeril can be found in green star systems.
  • Indium can be found in blue star systems.

Note: I’m referring to the color of the star at the center of each star system as visualized in the Galaxy Map.

Go farther,

“Dream Harder!”

Can we make every galaxy more unique? What else could be found per star type? Cosmic energy types?

What other uses could there be for Cosmic Energy? :sparkles: What else could be found per galaxy type?

Galaxy Map

What improvements would you like to see with our galaxy map?

Personally, I’d like the ability to switch between the old and new galaxy compass :compass: in the upper left-hand corner of the screen. I rather liked them both, I find them both useful, another way of looking at the data.

Also, when travelling to the center of the galaxy, and actually getting there…

I find it very immersion-breaking that I can simply pass in and out of the ‘light box’ of the black hole at the center of the galaxy, which further appears not as a black hole, but as a simple light source. The size of that light source being so small is also very unexpected, being that it’s from something so immensely powerful.

Of course, I have to then remind myself that this is just a galaxy map, just a map. :map:


View from Space

When I look out into the starry expanse as seen from inside star systems, especially closer to the center of the galaxy, I find myself expecting to see some visualization of light coming from the center of the galaxy. :milky_way:

Consider adding a visualization of the entire galaxy from a side angle seen from inside star systems. This would feel right, as it’s what we see of our Milky Way Galaxy when we look up into the sky from Earth.

Maybe we should animate the center swirl, make it look extra powerful, as we get closer to the center.

Reaching the Sun

Since each star (or sun) in NMS is not actually a solid celestial body like planets in NMS, or like in our reality, but is a ‘light source’ from an invisible ‘light box’, there is no possible way we could land on such an object.

Of course, we couldn’t have done so anyway without having burned up long before we ever made contact. Unless of course we had the ultimate starship shield upgrades, and the ultimate everything else upgrades.

Well then in that case, fly straight for the sun, don’t stop, don’t deaccelerate. “Caution: Extreme heat and radiation detected!” Ignore that! :face_with_raised_eyebrow: “Warning: Shields are draining rapidly!” Okay, fill it. :grimacing: UI reads…

Reach a certain distance to the star, but no further.

With the proper tech installed, reaching a certain distance results in a slow but steady hyperdrive refueling, or alternatively, you may be able to harvest a slow but steady stream of Cosmic Energy.

Reaching any closer to the star, results in: “Death by psychological incapacitance!”

Basically, if the heat and radiation doesn’t get you, you die from ‘infinite insanity’ long before reaching the surface of the sun. Closer you get to the sun, faster your starship shields drain, but the faster you refuel.

Only one catch…

Frigate Starships

Do you really want to reach the sun? It would take 1 literal month of nonstop flight to reach by regular starship. So, you have to reach by flying one of your frigates, your in-between or middle size starships.

Distance to sun: 1 hour. Cosmic Energy harvest: 30 min. Death from insanity: 31 min. Careful!

Consider adding at least some planets requiring long distance flight in order to reach.

By regular starship, distance to planet: 1-29 days. By frigate starship, distance to planet: 1-29 min.

Consider making the sun (or suns) appear larger in outer space as we approach closer.

Example: 2× closer to the sun would appear 2× larger in outer space. Realistic and immersive!

So now your freighter is used for reaching other star systems, your frigates are used for reaching long distance planets and the sun within a star system, and your starships are used for short-distances.

Why do this? (1) Some players express a desire to achieve greater purpose for frigates than simply sending them out on expeditions, where they come back with damage, resources and stories of their wild adventures in space. (2) Some players have long expressed a desire for long distance flight in NMS. (3) Some players have long expressed a desire for larger starships in NMS, complete with walk-in living chambers, and I don’t mean the size of our freighters, just larger than our regular starships, and with a quality seat of which to pilot from.

Some players could care less about long distance flight, so make sure some planets remain up close.

Long Distance Flight

“Hey frigate captain, step aside.” They hand over the controls. We take flight.

What will this accomplish? - Increased immersion…

“The feeling the star system is so big, galaxy bigger and universe OMG.”


Sun in the game is presented as an unreachable requisite suspended in the sky.
And just as when you approach a planet it grows before your eyes, we could experience the same with the sun. Harvesting energy is just a mechanical excuse to experience a close-up with the sun.
However, landing would probably be out of question xD I rather meant the maximum possible approach (limited by the game level) to hanging in a high orbit.
Think about it, seeing a red dwarf up close must be an unusual phenomenon.

Same way i would like to see neutron stars in game.

According to your post giving unique features to each individual galaxy would be cool. But we must remember that in some respects the game is limited by procedural patterns - which, of course, can be adjusted from different angles, but still.


Landing? I want to fight it! No game is complete unless you can fight the sun!


Well you wait until it’s night time, when the sun is in its weakened moon state.


Now that makes no sense. You can clearly see the moon rising in a different place than the sun sets, they can’t possibly be the same thing! :face_with_monocle:


Schrodingers cats pilot them in tandem. The alive one AND the dead one. I totally understood that thought experiment. The sun and moon are just quantum entangled atoms that were born with gigantism.

Going to the sun at night, Im pretty sure I stole it from this legends old stand up


I’ve got to remember this, it’s brilliant! :rofl:


Quantum cats!


3x times big lol on this song :laughing:
as a faithful warrior of the Sun, I must deny this horrendous propaganda. Certainly spread by hostile forces under the aegis of the Saturn-Luna Matrix. The Sun does indeed have a mighty influence on the lives of its subjects, but if there was no Sun, not only would there be no life as we know it, but no one could visually experience this beautiful illusion (although it is very persistent one, as Einstein said).

And if you believe that our spirit has been trapped in an exosuit by a nefarious entity which is forcing us to experience its faked reality, then this is not The Way.


Massive solar flares, graceful eruptions of solar material, and an enormous sunspot make up some of the imagery captured by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory during its fourth year in orbit.


That was 2014. This is 2023. Next year is 2024. No Man’s Sky :sun_with_face: Coming to a universe near you…

Our Sun…

If unable to approach the Sun, then perhaps we can at least fly so far towards it, maybe harvest some energy as a more purposeful flight than just flying in that direction, and perhaps an observation deck could be located or custom built out the tops of space stations and/or our freighters, where can access a telescope so that we can study and observe the shear magnitude of our local Sun(s), for our present star system.

In this case, they could continue with the ‘light box’ concept of a Sun, as visualized from our vantagepoint anywhere inside the system, so that nothing would change for the developers working on this, except that the observation deck would be new and so would this new up-close view of a distant celestial body in the form of a Sun.

But they could develop the Sun as separate from the system, and allow it to procedurally adjust in its appearance according to each new system visited, and thus it would be seen as a part of the system.

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If caution going overboard with adding elements that don’t directly relate the the game’s original vision or lore.

Sean said that they turned down offers from astronomers and other scientists to serve as consultants when developing the game.

The aim was a Sci-fi game not a space sim, fight sim, or similar. They wanted a look that differed from that IRL.

I also don’t want to be trapped into multiple video card upgrades to handle a massive amount of changes. I’m already having to save up to replace my first video upgrade, which is now technically not supported.


Right now, the sun in NMS is not something you can ever get close to. It’s just a ball of light that exists beyond the surface of the bubble the system is in. So being able to interact with it would require something drastic…I will leave that for someone else to explain.
I have flown to the wall of this bubble. You will continue to look like you are moving but, by watching the sun, I realized I was just sliding along the curved surface of the bubble.


Yeah, I don’t expect them to put more emphasis on realism at this point, and I don’t think it would be a good idea either. Not because I don’t appreciate realism in a space game, but it will result in a certain feel of the game that is difficult to break, and it’s not a feel suited to NMS.
What I definitely would like to see would be populating systems with more interesting features, freelancer/rebel galaxy style. Both of those are entirely unrealistic, but both of those use their system maps to very good effect, though I have to admit that some of that effect is coupled to FTL travel being locked to jump points, which immediately gives the geography more meaning. Still, from a civilisation cut off from large-scale planetary exploitation, I would definitely expect more space stations and asteroid utilisation.

Which of course goes against NMS’ core, which is its planetary exploration, so while it sounds exciting, I’m not sure how good an idea it would really be… Improvements aiming more in the direction of E.C. Tubb-ish planetary romance might be a better fit, and should be mostly integrateable with existing lore…

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Change, Growth & Development

By “original vision and lore,” I think you mean…

No Man’s Sky moved beyond its “original vision and lore,” that which was released at launch. Hello Games did that 7 years ago. How? By continuing their process of development, as if the game had never even released. Nonetheless, they’ve been careful to give lots of settings and options so we can RPG however desired.

It became a “Games as a Service” game. It is as this screenshot from www.nomanssky.com says:

So it’s not about what the game’s original vision was, it’s :100:% about what it can become.

“Go Farther, Dream Harder!” — Dr Crim CSD

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