I have played through with 2 different save modes at this point and I do not see a difference from the regular Nexus mission.
Like the first returning mission required more than the regular mission,
I was expecting the requirement would be to dig up more bones, but that isn’t the case. I suspect that may have been the intention (no evidence but just intuition).
Thanks for the info! I think I may find some time soon to try out these missions that don’t have the three knowledge stone. That used to drive me (more) crazy.
weekend event has begun but beware. You must defeat the corrupted sentinels to complete the task and apparently, the sentinels run away, like far, far away, making it nearly impossible to complete…I assume griefers are responsible. Disable MP to avoid the hassle.
This might be a general MP/Group glitch, but the game managed to spawn 2 decryption points, so we spent quite a while fighting off sentinels to make the decryption terminal work, only to realize that the game had ANOTHER decryption terminal marked out, which actually worked. I assume this happens because the game fails to realize that the terminal right in front of you should be updated, and instead looks for another terminal.
Another note: That planet is DARK at night, one can barely see 10 units ahead of them without using the analysis visor in the target sweep mode (Since it has the brightest UI)
I noticed that Corrupted Sentinels investigate explosions when you are a certain distance away. Maybe they were detecting other player’s Plasma fire & were scooting off to check it out.
Personally, my mission went ok with MP on (PS4 only).
Glad it worked for you. I did not notice any players nearby. The sentinels immediately fled the area. No way I could catch up. They did slowly begin to return and I was able to hunt them down. Very strange.
Ugh, I hate that! I only had it do that a couple times on my mission this weekend, but that’s always obnoxious.
I haven’t tried this myself, but maybe try flying around, looking/scanning for wild galactic terminals first. Then land near one, and dig up a module and activate it there. Might actually be faster?
Permadeath mode;
Only 1 attempt but had to go to other planet to decrypt & then return.
Main planet was incessant storms with aggressive sentinels. Pushed my luck & kept fighting sentinels until I ended up in space fighting 2 sentinel freighters & a small horde of senti-ships.
Was a nerve wracking few moments there.
Survived though.
This was my first mission attempt. I hated it. This is also my first time with the update. My icons on the HUD compass are so small, I can’t make them out. And this is on a 60" Bravia 1080 sitting four or five feet from the screen. My Ship icon which has always been distinct kept disappearing.
The world the mission had me go to was the wrong one. I confused the icon with a base icon and flew down to the planet, and spent almost half an hour exploring some guy’s base looking for someone in distress. I finally noticed the mission icon when it popped up out of the blue and headed for it, only to notice that I was on the wrong planet. The world with the stranded Traveler was a hellpit of scorching storms that kept erupting one after the other, and they were long. It took a long time to find his crashed ship and it was only by luck that I noticed it.
He only showed up in the middle of a steam squall, which took too long because I could barely see five feet in front of me. The scanner wouldn’t pinpoint the buried tech, only show me the direction and some distance figure. Oh, and of COURSE it was a hostile Sentinel world so I was constantly being discovered and shot at. If that wasn’t bad enough, the graphics of the world were messed up and looked like it was cloaked in dark matter. I couldn’t see dangerous plants and animals which kept attacking me too. I finally found a buried tech module, but had trouble finding my way back to my ship because the icon kept refusing to appear. And then when I finally hopped in and took off to escape all the meanies trying to whittle my life away to analyze it, it was corrupt.
That was the last straw and I quit. I wish I could revert back to a previous revision. I like the new graphics and my GF1080Ti card handles it with aplomb, minus any raytracing that may or may not be present, but the way the HUD shows icons is broken. I am on 3xperimental, so maybe they’re still tweaking things. If they are, I really don’t like this new HUD (softened because too angry sounding, and I dearly love NMS).
At least on PS4 when not in VR there is an option to adjust the size of the HUD. Something like OPTIONS > Video Options > HUD Scale. For some reason mine had been changed to 80% and the icons were hard to see. This may have happened to me before this, I’ve had trouble lately and blamed it on losing my glasses and going back one version. Either way you can bump the size up a bit.
I was playing with a friend this weekend and for maybe the first time ever with this mission we found ours on the second try. Then things went off script. The marker was on a different planet. We went there, grounded a few sentinels, and it didn’t unlock the terminal, ‘Locked. Sentinel Activity Detected.’ Sometimes sentinels materialize underground and you have to dig them out. While looking around for their hiding place another mission icon popped up back on the original planet, then a second one close by. We returned to find one marker was another terminal which was already unlocked (and completed that part of the mission), the other was the pilot and was only 237 units away. (they could have just walked there and done this themselves, sheesh).
Not only is mine different from yours, but when I got there, I was actually required to collect Activated Indium, not the Activated Copper I was originally told to fetch.
the weekend missions are now procedural same as the others, they just offer a larger reward. They are not unique like the story missions. Mine was destory corrupted depot.