When NMS was announced, I was completely mesmerised and couldn’t think of any other game for months on end to be honest.
I was living in Dubai at the time however, and without a PC to play on. Because I didn’t want a laptop with arabic keyboard, I waited for four months until Christmas, returning to Sweden, to buy a laptop, just to be able to play NMS. And yes I had tried to arrange for a Swedish keyboard PC, but there was no way without risky and expensive global shipments of sensitive hardware.
So my excitement was all the greater when, in December last year, I finally bought the game on my new PC. I still remember the “loading shaders” screen upon booting the game for the first time. It was as important as seeing my first star wars movie back when I was 7 years old!
Being new to online fora and stuff, I started checking out the NMS communities on steam (where I had bought the game), and my god I couldn’t believe all the negative opinions and trolls on there because for me, it was such a beautiful and mesmerising game! Sometimes it really affected me as I was an active protagonist on the positive side of the arguments, but after a while I started to realise that it’s better just to leave these fora all together.
About that time few I discovered the NMS Facebook groups however, and people such as @CobraTV, @OrbitTV, and Ty Beecham who was the unofficial spokesperson for the NMS Love hub, located at the center of the Euclid galaxy (and nowadays in Hilbert and Calypso as well). These groups had all I was longing for; a deeply committed fan base and a mature culture of helping out, answering questions, welcoming newcomers. I never thought I’d be such an active Facebook user again! 
Now that I found Etarc, I’m doubly happy for a new-found community, likewise based on respect and inclusivity. I’d really love it for Etarc to continue after Waking Titan, but as a forum exclusively for NMS players and fans, for discussing all types of on and off topics. I’m really happy I found you guys!
So yea, that was my little story!
All the best to everyone!