So I thought why not share the silly things we’ve done IRL that will get weird looks or judgement from regular folk, but nods of acceptance and understanding from those of us that have stuck with HG and their brainchild.
So I thought I’d share the NMS inspired tattoo I got last July.
Not the best photo of it, my wrist loves to change its dimensions!
Yup, I got it before the game came out. This was the first thing that came out in a LONG long time were I was following it with great excitement but not getting overhyped. I’d wanted this game my entire life and I honestly felt like a kid again for the entire time during development. I wanted to commemorate that incredible journey coming to an end with something, so, I opted for something permanent.
Before the game released it got me some scorn from the community “LOL you got a tattoo of a game thats not even out!? You idiot!” etc etc. AFTER release I even got some threatening PM’s on reddit for sharing it again after the post launch backlash, just to show I still love what we recieved and to stand in solidarity with any silent brethren too afraid to speak out amongst all the hate.
Today I can look at it with great pride, knowing everything thats come since and everything thats yet to come.
So, have you got any crazy NMS things? Fan art? Sculptures? KNitted sweaters?! Share em here, Citizen Scientists and Travellers alike!
Hey!! Nice tat @toddomptious!
You are so right when you say that you shouldn’t listen to haters. To judge someone is always really easy.
As a graphical Designer, I think the nms logo is trully beautiful…
I have friends that doesn’t play the game at all and think that the logo rocks !
Nmm I don’t really have a crazy nms object (even if since the game came out, I am still desperately looking to buy the spaceship that came out with the collector version of the game…)
I can post my cellphone screensaver that has been displayed for a loooong while !
I preordered the collectors edition for PC on, (was getting my digital copy on ps4 already) they were only website taken pre-orders that early and only one that would ship to Ireland.
A few days before launch I got a call to say they couldnt ship to me because it was under the minimum weight. I told the guy I’ve bought single games in regular boxes from the site before which shipped with no problem. He put me on hold to talk to his “supervisor” then came back and said it was a new policy the implemented only just last week. Of course this was a lie.
I’ve always wondered though, why didn’t they just tell me the truth about the collectors edition ship manufacturing issues?
Sean Murray didn’t lie to me about no mans sky, but that game employee did XD
That’s crazy… feel bad for you buddy…
Well I hope one day in the futur I’ll find it and keep it like a treasure as well as a testimony about what we are experimenting right now.
Thanks for the share @toddumptious
I have a 3d render I’m doing. But it’s nowhere near ready. Until then, check out r/NMSPortals and you can see pretty much everything I’ve ever done @toddumptious if you haven’t already
Finally got around to ordering the Collectors Edition (unopened). Like the game enough that I’m thinking of
getting another copy to actually open and scour though but keep one unopened. Already have the PS4 and
PC versions since day 1. About 300 hours in and loving it more and more!
Hearing about this for the first time. If the director’s name wouldn’t be Steven Spielberg, I’d immediately write it off as shallow pandering and cash-in. WIth Spielberg at the helm… it might just turn out to be good.
Episode 2 of season 3 was a nice surprise Wasn’t expecting it so soon, I listen to harmontown podcast every week and Dan, surprisingly, let nothing slip (he tends to blab everything about the 5th vodka in to the show XD)
This season is gonna be so dark… Well, darkER.
Your 4d portraits are pretty cool, lets do a 4d sean murray mindsplosion!!! XD
Really? I knew e2 was coming the 30th almost a month ago… They shared it on some confference or something…
It was almost too dark in that I think it was by far the episode with less jokes on it so… (Burrrrp)… far.
Lol. Thanks for that… I like the 4d to echo people not “available”