Waypoint (Updates and Patches)

Not quite sure why you are posting this when Steam ‘internal’ branch updates, as we have no access and are not tracking these


personally find any activity internal or otherwise interesting. especially since internal leads to experimental, and also an internal build only…when an expedition is about to end could indicate internal testing…how many reasons you want?


I just find it confusing for the topic, which is made for ‘public updates’, especially if posted like that. I’d have less trouble with just a mention, but even then I feel the Steam Experimental branch to be better suited. Users may think there is an update, just to find out nothing actually changed at all, if they can understand what it means to begin with. The update cycle has become even more confusing lately with how HG does things on Steam, which is what SteamDB reflects.


fair enough.


If you want, you could start a new topic to track internal, or possibly all branches, for speculation of what is to come perhaps? There could be some interest in that, although with the arrival of Mac and the changes to Steam builds / internals, it has become even more speculative I am afraid. Not only are there different depots to consider now, build IDs no longer match either when it comes to internal to be pushed.

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nah, just post in steam experimental next time…oh and experimental update dropped.


Bug fixes

  • Fixed a memory issue in the renderer.
  • Fixed a number of memory issues which could lead to crashes in rare circumstances.
  • Fixed an issue which could cause players textures to appear metallic.
  • Improved shader usage on PC.
  • Improved load times on PC.
  • Introduced a significant optimisation for Nintendo Switch to reduce hitching.

NMS Switch updates on Tinfoil :link: fixed again

I restarted the cron job, should update soon.

Nintendo Switch - Waypoint 4.3.7

1441792 2023-07-19	v22 BuildID:
In-game version: 107667

Nintendo Switch - Waypoint 4.3.8

1507328 2023-07-27	v23 BuildID:
In-game version: 107985

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