I AM FLOORED!!! How is this possible?
“The authorities are ever watchful”…
Soon as I saw the announcement, I came strait back here to see reactions
This is actually very incredible that a game like this can run on switch. Quite a lot of optimisations have had to be made in order for it to run smoothly on a switch.
Naah, this is an April Fools joke - oh wait, it’s only February.
I saw that before work and didn’t manage to watch the trailer or post here. This just has to be an April fools joke…?
Twitch is the first console I bought (and not just borrowed like a random Atari 2600 from classmates in the late 80ies ) so I’m all for it.
No joke. It was in the Nintendo Direct yesterday. Nintendo has no sense of humor.
Alas the trailer is just a best-of all the previous ones, we don’t actually see anyone playing it on a real Switch with real hands and all. Do clips recorded in real life look so lame that they rather greenscreen and cgi it? I guess screens look “flat” when recorded by a camera.
Is there is an Easter egg anywhere? I need to rewatch it on a screen that is… bigger than a switch.
Lot of debate on if it is cloud based but SM said he played it on the go. At least where I live, that would mean it must be physical or digital download…hopefully, someone will get their hands on it soon.
Hmmm…so one thing does worry me. I just went into the Nintendo e shop and clicked on the Direct link from yesterday and all the games in the Direct are available for pre-order except NMS…am hoping for a demo. Nintendo is good about using demos before purchase
If I understand the switch right, it is more powerful when docked, right? So the trailer is probably with a docked switch, with serious downscaling occuring when undocked. It still would be really impressive, though…
I would expect that the viewing distance is much shorter, seeing the poor thing only has 4 GB of ram. I mean, what’s the next platform they’re aiming at, Raspberry Pi?
You can do tricks with a CPU and GPU, but you can’t really cheat ram. Not without loading the other two with a lot more work…
Raspberry Pie
But I wouldn’t be surprised if someone out there made it happen.
Yes the Switch is slightly better docked. Better FPS. I have not played anything on mine that has really tested it except LA Noire. In the fastest car in the game, I could almost outrun the graphics…it was terrifying speeding onto roads that did not yet exist. Took nerves of steel. I really hope we do not see a return of the “falling thru the terrain” days
Here is at least a professional video of a steamdeck (looks very similar to a Switch), so they can record proper shots of it without it looking flat!
So apparently NMS is already ESRB certified for the switch? But it seems to be sharing an entry with next gen cert
No PEGI cert as of yet.
I’m not sure when this happened though, does anyone have a screenshot of this page before the announcement?
The Nintendo store shows PEGI 7 in Europe (ESRB T in US), even though the rating is not platform specifically listed yet. I assume they just took it from existing ratings.
Still not in the eShop…I keep looking
“… players assume the role of a planetary explorer on a quest to reach the center of the universe.”
Yeah? Well, not really.
It’s odd how many people don’t understand an open-ended game. (To say nothing about confusing galaxy and universe.)
Good grief the smack talk on twitter under this post…
However, the posts from the Nintendo crowd are good! This will be a huge game for Switch. I am excited for all the Nintendo players. The game will be single player only and I am not surprised since Nintendo is very, very cautious about player interactions when chat is involved. However, I wonder if that changes with a Nintendo Online subscription? Since the game is still not listed in the store
there is no way to find out.
Rumors are true…Single Player experience on Launch.