No Man’s Sky (SM) playing NMS on the Switch
atlas pass in photo
Sean… You sound so tired in this video. Don’t work yourself to death, ok?
IGN Says 20 updates…my math wrong?
Pre ordered…now I have to wait. Bummer that our GameStop store is gone…
I believe not, there’s a Eurogamer article afaik which says that the 20th is “coming soon”
I believe it was this one:
ahh…“The fact that we are just about to hit our 20th free update is a reminder of how busy we’ve been in the last three years!”."
knew my math wasn’t crazy lol
So if Switch version has 20 updates, without needing download…how long would it take to stamp the game on it?..minus x carry the y…- 6 days for pizza and celebrations, 10 days of marketing and interviews, 14 days additional QA, Xbox/PS4 approval…by god I’ve figured out the release date of 4.0
it is…yesterday…wait…nope something not right there…hmmm
Posted on NMS FB page
Switch version pre-orders:
Pre-orders for the physical Switch edition (courtesy of our friends at Bandai Namco) are starting to pop up worldwide:
US -
UK -
DE -
Releasing October 7, 2022.
Pre ordered…and I will have to wait for it in the mail because our GameStop closed…
So we finally got the Pre-Order trailer for the Switch, but I was surprised to see that HG hasn’t included any sort of Pre-Order bonus like with every other platform launch. I was kinda looking forward to a new Switch exclusive customization…
so much for my Tanooki suit idea lol…unless its not exclusive lol
I have to wait for my physical copy in the mail… though…I could put my lazy butt in the car and drive 70 miles…but, nah.
(hates waiting)
Don’t even have a switch (may buy switch 2 or Pro) …but curiosity is killing me lol
Not sure of the validity but, this person claims to have a copy of NMS Switch already
I wonder if HG learnt from the Next launch and if 4.0 will be a day 1 patch, or if it’s included on disk.
Could someone check the back and see if it mentions those “missing features”?