Water Issues

Is anyone else having issues with the water?
It appears on top of the clouds when entering the atmosphere (failed to get a pic of this happening) and it runs up the landscape when looking out over a large body of water.
It also looks like this until I get closer to the surface.

Here it is running over the horizon.

EDIT Here is a pic of the water over the clouds and yet the clouds are over my ship…


Yup, definitely been seeing that. I’m thinking those optimizations they made for the 2.12 patch screwed up a bunch of render fx. Like the missing sun-rays, and more flickery TAA.


Yes on PC, definitely experiencing it.


I don’t think it’s a water issue, doesn’t it always happen when you cross the cloud layer? I just assumed it was my sub-spec GPU producing the artifact and that there was supposed to be some kind of haze shader applied…


Yes there is an issue when entering the atmosphere but there is also an issue once on the ground.
I will try to catch a pic of the water on top of the clouds.


In general, I was not happy with the change in Graphics settings after Beyond. I had to “play with them” to get a decent look that didn’t have “jaggies” and wasn’t too low detail. My NVIDIA GeForce Experience now won’t allow changes. It’s all in-game.

Oddities like the water display and a poor gradient in LOD have reduced my enjoyment, especially since my prime interest is photography.


Nah, I know what you’re talking about. That oneis definitely related to horizon rendering of water, but I don’t think the two issues are related.


It is said that on the far-distant, and possibly mythical, planet Earth, the natives believe there is water in their clouds. They call it “rain”. Researchers suggest the Earth creatures consider this “rain” to be a form of deity, which they pray to. Hence the saying “Oh, God, rain again”.


I am not sure AMD is really all that great right now either. Lots of issues. Diving into the latest experimental update in just a few minutes.


I agree and today, the experimental update just blurred the grass…:slightly_frowning_face:
Edited the initial post with pics of the water over the clouds.


The water on top the clouds looks like an issue with the order in which layers are being rendered. The same issue has been present with the fog surrounding a planet when in space. These are layers passed to the shader in the wrong order, resulting in something that requires to be on top, to show below instead, or vice versa.

The water at the horizon seems to me a somewhat different issue, although most likely still shader based. Water requires to render on top of land (of course), but it appears there is a range/distance involved where it stops to calculate if land is above water. Beyond this range/distance, it just renders water on top of land (cutout shader pass) regardless, all the way up to the level of the horizon. This is why you see some land above the horizon (right side of image), but water drawn over the land below the horizon (left side of image).

I have limited experience with shaders and the issues shown are likely more complicated than they may appear to be. I think the main issue could actually be performance. Sometimes you just have to take certain results for granted, where fixing an ‘issue’ could put an unwanted strain on our hardware. This is something I have started to notice ever since Atlas Rises and not just ‘shader’ side. I find it actually quite remarkable to see what HG has been able to pull off compared to the compromises involved.


My daughter said the same thing. She has a little experience. She stated it was a layering issue and the more HG adds to the game, the more this kind of thing will be an issue.
For me personally, it ruins a lot of my experience. I am not willing to upgrade again.


Here is an overview of the issue
As I enter the atmosphere, all looks good

When I enter the thickest part of the cloud layer is when things get weird

Then below the clouds, all is well again


100% getting that and more - PS4 Pro platform from my Legacy save, not sure if that old save causing problems. But even on 2.13 still full of Bugs… Sadly :confounded: :sob:

I have sent so many videos & screen shots to Zendesk Hello. It is now becoming exhausting :weary: :rofl: :rofl:

One Day In the Future NMS maybe Bug Free!


@K4ORIGIN: I edited your post to make the image show. A ! was missing in front of the image link.


That seems to be happening a lot lately. Happens to me often.


I now have a new ‘layer’ between the ‘water over clouds’ layer and the correct layer under the clouds, I now get a brief blinding and blank screen which seems to be just the clouds? fog? not sure.

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That looks like fogging is not affecting the water. It may have something to do with how the distance vs height is distorted when entering the atmosphere and how the water is one big flat polygon when you are high up. Funny thing is that to pull off what NMS does, the values used to calculate position and distance represent different things depending on scale. I.e. floating values are less precise, the larger the number gets. When transitioning between these scales is where you get weird issues. An example is how a planet bulges out when you approach it, transitioning from a 2d circle into a 3d sphere. This is especially visible with moons.


Thanks to update 2.15, this issue is now resolved. :clap:


This issue has returned.

The clouds are once again under the water as I enter the atmosphere.