July 30
After today’s small update, my planet is all glitchy…thankfully a restart fixed it but I do not know for how long
Here is the glitchy in action…
shadercache folder contains too much stuff and I don’t know what I am looking at. However there are only a handful dated 7/30/2018 and that is the date this problem began…
Just delete everything in that folder, it will place all the files back in there on your next boot up, will take a little longer to load than usual the first time but after that should be grand and hopefully fixes all those little graphi cal hiccups Yr having
So says the guy who caused the Great Galactic Fissure… Okay, I will give it a try. This is the first thing I have encountered that made the game unplayable…
UPDATE: so the universe has resettled itself and everything is good so far…I am wondering, since the update had a fix for how AMD caches the shaders, perhaps emptying the shader cache folder would have been a good way to avoid this trauma.
Will update if any further issues arise.
Thanks everyone!