Unreal Engine

Ill delete this later, just wondering if anyone here has experience with Unreal Engine?

I decided to mess around in it again and see if I can make a dumb gokart game but make it 2 player(online multiplayer)


I wanna play dumb go cart game. :racing_car:


I have no experience with modern 3d engines but I can tell you if you call the game “Go, Dumbkart!” it will sell well on steam.

Or just


I’ll buy it! :smile:


Making a dumb go-cart game in any modern 3-d engine shouldn’t be too much of a problem, assuming there’s a few tutorials around to get you started and you get a couple of fitting assets from somewhere. You can probably build a lot of that with a minimum of code.

The multiplayer is really the more complicated part here. I’m really not familiar with Unreal specifically, so I don’t know how the support is, but I’d assume they’ll have some library for synching built in. It’s still not going to be too easy to figure out how to use it properly, and you’ll have to hassle with the api of your chosen publishing platform to set up the connection. On the plus side, you don’t need any AI for controlling the vehicles if you make it multiplayer only…


Lol well the reason for the question is that I just want to make an extremely basic game using unreal’s blueprints just for fun to mess around in with my nephew. Literally the whole game would be made with just cubes for extra simplicity.

I just started the project and I watched a tutorial for setting up a vehicle using UE5 and while i managed to get the vehicle to steer, accelerate and stop, the suspension doesnt seem to work right. I started the tutorial over from the beginning 3 times already just in case i missed something but the result is the same. I sent my gokart to my brother to see if it works for him and still the same result. Been banging my head over this for over 3 weeks.

Im using raycasting from the object corners to the floor to push the car off the ground and in the tutorial video it seems to work as described… the box floats in place… but for me, the car bounces around wildly like a mad bull trying to kick its rider off and it wont settle down and i have no clue why.

Tried searching online and posted to the official UE forum but haven’t got anything back still.

I have no experience with raycasting so I was just curious if anyone here has any experience so i can send them my “gokart” to see if it bounces for them too when its placed in the world and maybe if they can spot what im missing.


Fun fact: When programming rocket add-ons for the orbiter space flight simulator, what many people struggle the most with is finding proper dampening values for their touchdown points, so the rocket doesn’t go bouncing around or trampoleening out of the solar system at the speed of light.
Dampening and suspension systems are no joke. However, they won’t be in any engine. What you’re faced with here is not so much a computer problem, it’s an engineering problem. And it’ll require engineering grade math to properly solve…


I don’t have a solution to your suspension problem, but I’ve done some Unity tutorials and used to be part of the jMonkeyEngine community. So I want to cheer you on! I like such projects and I’ve done similar things for fun.

Including driving around in a badly programmed raycast “car” that was an untextured cuboid. :smiley: (I added that left screenshot to the wiki those days, the right one was donated by someone else:)

Flat infinite procedural tiled terrain:

The same infinite terrain, but now with hills and lakes, with almost perfect transitions between the tile edges:

I wanted to do something with procedural asteroid caves and that’s how far I got: :smiley:

Just swap out the textures and colors and I can have infinite planets! I don’t have a video with trees in the landscape, but as you can see, I clearly was on my way to write my own No Man’s Sky, “before it was cool”. :rofl:

Oh and I generated a huge trippy Menger Sponge that you could walk around in, it was … very useless. XD

In any case, glad to hear you are playing with 3D engines, have fun! Imagine if math teachers didn’t tell students “Just learn it by heart and reproduce it in the exam and I let you pass…” but instead said “Geometry and Algebra is what video games are made of!!” (I secretly told myself that, heheh…)


I was slowly playing around with all the variables and copied the tutorial person exactly, even making sure I had the same UE5 version as he did, and mine didnt work the way the video showed no matter what I did.

Interestingly, as I was playing with the variables, I would drop the strength of the push towards the ground 1 single unit at a time. Which was annoying since the tutorial had a force strength of 90,000. Lol. And I found the “threshold” to the hold the car up. But it was extremely weird.

So I start the game with the car in the air to let it drop from a small distance to let the suspension compress a little and then return to a neutral position so I can see it working in action quickly. But the car would drop strait to the ground as if there was no force being applied whatsoever. And if I restart the game, the result is different. The car would smack the floor again but one side would fully lift to the fully extended position and then other would stay on the ground and get stuck that way. Each restart has random results.

If I drop the strength a unit down, the car just smacks the floor and doesnt rise at all.

If I raise the strength 1 unit, then the car stays fully propped up but starts bouncing around all crazy-like. This is what baffles me. i dont mind the suspension being too loose or too stiff, I just cant figure out why it doesnt act like a suspension at all :joy:

Apparently no one else has my issue when I search for the description. Im wondering if its an engine issue?


Stupid question but it happens to me more often these days, when copying the values are you sure those weren’t decimal points and not commas? 90,000 and 90.000 are very different strengths haha maybe that could be it?

Okay as I typed that I realised, why would they type 90.000 instead of 90. Don’t mind me, I skipped on caffeine today


Lol. No worries. I thought this too but there aren’t any decimal points in UE5 blueprint nodes that I know of. I also deleted and added zeros just in case I didnt get the right amount of zeros too.


This looks pretty good for something you did solo!

When I see things like this, I always think, “yea im never going to get to that level” lol. But im not discouraged, I just see how much time I have and realise that its a good idea that I get good at a very small set of skills only and just get some free assets to build this Dumb Gokart Game™


If I may ask, what mass does the car have, and what is the gravity set to?


The car’s weight is set to 108 kg and if your referring to the force of the raycasts to the floor, its at 90,000.00 again just to match the tutorial video again to see if I can toggle some other things that might get it to work.

However, if you’re referring to the gravity of the game world, thats a good question. Hmm… i’m not sure if there is a set gravity in the world as I didn’t change anything there. I started with a fresh new project map as the tutorial mentioned.

Im case anyone wants to check out the tutorial im referring to, its:



Do you want to share your file so we can see whether we get the same results?

The bug could be something that has become invisible to your own eyes, like mixing up == and =, or assigning values only to half the suspension variables because one has copied&pasted them and has forgotten to replace L with R in the name. No reason why these examples are so specific. Could happen to anyone. :grimacing: Or indeed differences in defaults in the framework - but you said you made sure to use the same version.


I see the problem now. This man is british and probably uses a different measuring system than you :stuck_out_tongue:

The British Imperial fluid ounce is equal to 28.413 milliliters, while in the U.S. Customary System it is equivalent to 29.573 ml. A pint in the British Imperial System is 568.261 milliliters (or 20 fluid ounces), while a U.S. pint is just 473.176 ml (or 16 fluid ounces).21 May 2024

Unreal Engine, now localised for Brexit :rofl:

Sorry I only have jokes and not actual solutions.

How many pints of guiness is your raycasting set to?


I watched that video, when he mentions linear and angular dampening, he is skipping how he arrived at those values and what their min/max are.

Also he just drew the box freehand and didn’t say anything about its size or orientation. Maybe yours is too large or tiny for those dampening values, or upside down or mirrored! :person_shrugging: Are the axes :asterisk: of the box and of each spring pointing the same way for you as for him?

(:asterisk: I mean the red-green-blue arrow element, what is that called in unreal?)


Feel free to check it out. Just copy all of this into blueprints in the content drawer at the bottom in UE, then hit play at the top.

W - forward
S - Stop/reverse
Mouse - left/right


Ah, now it all makes sense! I need to convert Ft-lbs of force into guiness units, then multiply by crumpets. then divide by pints of tea. After that, I can convert it into american bald eagles and it should work. :rofl:

He seemed to eyeball the linear and angular dampening and it and it seemed to work for him but he got the box to atleast float when the values were all pretty much at “0” still. Which was not the case for me when I copied his values. As for the box dimentions, it shows the dimentions on the right side so I just got really close to his and I set the weight to the weight that he had, 108kg.