Unification Day - Dec. 30th, 2017

Happy U-Day everyone. It was a great event.


Iā€™m really sorry I missed it. Iā€™ve had a horrible migrane all day (even during TSG holiday party) and just couldnā€™t make it.

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I missed it too. My Normal game save has me in the next galaxy, not the Euclid one. I did meet a couple other players who went to the same address in the second galaxy, so that was cool.

I tried the Creative save I had, but there is no one and nothing at the Unification planet portal.

Unification Day was a cool idea, but I wonder if it would be better on a quieter day of the year? So much going on with the holidays in December, what about a gathering in the spring?

In any event, Iā€™ll be better prepared next year. I will start another Normal game save and keep it in the Euclid galaxy.

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I loved it, great excuse to start early! CHEERS!


Iā€™m there on ps4


My view today in no mans sky


I am there checking out near by base. Made a save point, then reload, seems like I switched lobbies.


its crazy playing the game alone for so long then seeing another player even if its just a floating orb its still a feeling that I cant put into words its awesome and cheers to many more unification days. (Also I hope the ARG goes to into full swing again very soon I cant stop thinking about it and its driving my brain crazy with endless wonder)

Another note - I wish online play gets better in 1.4 or 1.5 I mean having a limit of only 16 at once is kind of dull and I would also love to be able to type out messages instead of using a mic but all and all character models are what I want mostly.


had 15 orbs in and around the area. I notices some with red, other white and blue, what is the significant of the colors?


Blue - on foot. Red - in exocraft. Green - in starship.


appreciate the info, thanks

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Totally agree, I think the year of solitude was to our benefit as itā€™s made moments like these all the more special. Anyone who starts playing NMS once synchronous multiplayer is fully implimented wonā€™t get to experience that feeling unfortunately. We are the lucky, lonely few that found eachother at the edges of space and time, where realities bled over unto the cracks just enough for us to glimpse another travellers light.


Can I have some of that stuff youā€™re smoking?


Iā€™m currently in Eissentam, couldnā€™t attend unification day in Euclid obviously although I understand there were gatherings in every ā€˜colonisedā€™ Galaxy. I hope that by the time Unification day comes around again we have the ability to travel backwards to Galaxies previously visitedā€¦I have a visionā€¦how about the ā€˜redundantā€™ portals (the round ones that just give you a bit of lore) on the barren and exotic planets being the method of being able to travel backwards through the universeā€¦some kind of lore could be introduced to explain their use, and because of the rarity of them, one must choose wisely when deciding to travel backwards using themā€¦now that would be an update I would relish, because then we can have a real unification day where people can travel in from every Galaxy. Thatā€™s how I would like to see things go anyway. Happy travels in 2018, Iā€™m going to be heading for Galaxy 12, which is the next Ancestral Galaxy past Eissentam travelling through imperfect Galaxy 11 to get there. Time to stock up on warp cells, luckily my 34 slot star destroyer should get me thereā€¦Happy Travels Interlopers, we may just meet up somewhere sometimeā€¦Dave x


Before U_Day, I had never encountered another human traveler.
Anything that moved was a part of the simulation, as it were, and so it had a certain comforting predictability.
So going from epic galactic solitude to OMG so many people wasā€¦ an experience unlike any other.

When all you are is an orb of light, and all you can do it move around, the ability to effectively communicate intentions was pleasantly surprising.

We made a game of comm ball platforming atop the portal. Jet-packing from one inexplicably placed com ball to the next- in the boiling rain no less! There was much falling, and I can only hope my fellow travelers laughed as much as I did.

My time with the festivities was limited, but memorable. I witnessed first hand the kind, welcoming, encouraging, and playful nature of my fellow galactic travelers. I donā€™t know when or where the next gathering will be, but I will make sure not to miss it.

We Citizen Scientists are such a wide spread community of explorers (across time zones, platforms, and galactic iterations) ā€¦ that I know an ETARC-ian gathering will be tricky. But I can say it would be worthwhile.

See you around the cosmos space travelers~


I can see my comm ball!
You zoomed right by it @7:05 in your video (its on top of the floating Heridium spire off to your right)!


I had not talked or seen another human player before yesterday. It was interesting, a nice change of pace. I still consider NMS as a single player game, but some occasional multi-player would be good.

The real addition to NMS, which I think would need either a mandatory PS4 Pro or the Playstation 5, is to add VR to the game. Having just bought a PSVR bundle this past November, Iā€™d love to be able to explore worlds with my headset. Iā€™d have to start over with a brand new save, but it would be like a whole new game in many ways.


Got a PSVR in november too, would love a NMS VR patch but would need to seriously gimp the game I imagine which wouldnt be worth it. Iā€™m surprised no bright spark has modded the PC version for occulusā€¦ Or someone has and Iā€™m out of the loop XD I look forward to what VR can bring to the next generation of consoles and GPUs, some day weā€™ll have our VR ProcGen universe to exploreā€¦ Until then, theres the first episode of the new season of black mirror to remind us why that may not be a good idea for our psyche XD


Big fun for us and a great experience to meet so many Travellers!

The triumph is ours - 16/16!

(ObsidianMinor, Bioniclops, GeneralNarducky, Ivy___Mike, hexered, Nbairen, Unicorn, ^2, Bullfinch, Happy/James, Doctor Rainbow, Argh!, vampyre111, TaoHikerX, Marzipan, TouriStarr.)

Though I wish the lobby would not be limited to 16 players as Iā€™ve met many nice travellers while I was changing the download regions to find one where most of my friends are and therefore had to leave other behind.