Twitch (screens and hampster cage) discussion

I think its a 6

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I think it’s 99-Pt16. PT-16 being one of the Atlas pass designations.


Would 16h from the start of this video-feed be 3pm in NY? (feed M. Noodles @3pm)

Plutonium 16 ?

Rubik’s cube, cable and markers: are the colors correlated? Just a thought.

And what is that post it with the Wifi-logo like ?

Maybe that bowl of NIPNIP explains why the interns have been a little slow of late…:grin:

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Think it came on around 8:00 p.m. here (east coast US), 16hours would be 2 p.m. NY time

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no wi fi I think

There are letters underneath the main moniter, could this be important or am I grasping at straws?:grinning:(NNUK I think)

I think you are right. It looks like 99-Pt16

Are they trying to have that hamster run the new Loop16 simulation?!
Is that hamster Emily?
Have read some acid critics about the repetitive game-play… But this takes the crown!!

looks like pt-16 to me now
looks like someone has 99 sec. to solve a rubix cube?

NOTE in picture: CALL JJ

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99 is the atomic number for einsteinium…
Plutonium and Einsteinium…? possible?

I am officially spending my friday night watching a live stream of a hamster (who appears to be on cocaine) run on a wheel. This entire thing could be quite a study in psychology.


It looks like pt16 …maybe

pt16 could be processing time 16 as it is written after typing status in the console, “Expected processing time: 16 hours.” But what would 99 mean then?

I have nothing better to do than watch a hamster and its not the worst thing I’ve done with my time, Go Mr.Noodles!:laughing:

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The post-its seem to be placed below and to the right of items, with the obvious exception being the Tea one. They seem to correlate starting with the feeding time below the cage, the “No WIFI” looking symbol below the switches, and the strange note below the Rubics Cube.