Fellow Travellers - I’ve created a base in memory of TravelEcho that is dedicated to sharing her poem called “Endless Night of Stars”. This poem originally appeared on the wrapping of a gift she gave to me for Solstice/Christmas somewhere in the mid-2000s, I would guess maybe 2006 or 2007. I no longer recall what the gift was, but thankfully I still have the wrapping and I treasure it greatly. I think the poem is quite apropos for No Man’s Sky and I have no doubt she would approve me sharing it here with her friends. 
Here’s the portal address for the planet. The base is built right at the portal.
I play on PC and unfortunately it seems there is some difficulty with the base appearing on PS5. @sheralmyst and @Mad-Hatter (thank you!) both went there on PS5 and couln’t see it. If you have better luck, please let us know.
Oh… right! I’ll share the poem itself here in a couple of days for those that are unable to get to the base.
Will try again on PS5 and will try on Switch, just because. 
Is a beautiful poem. Very touching. 
Sorry… I know it’s been more than a couple of days, but here is the poem that’s at the Endless Night of Stars remembrance base, in it’s original form - for those of you that can’t access the base. This is the (cropped) front and back of the simple wrapping paper it was written on.
And here it is typed, in case you have any trouble with the handwriting.
Endless Night of Stars
Come with me, my love,
to the glinting beckoning
Diamond Skies
and slip into the silky velvet
blackness in between
with our eyes feasting on
that trackless
scintillating scene;
That endless night of stars
we wish upon,
we give our hopes unto
we dream
of sailing through
to a new hope, a new life
lost afar from complex strife;
this grinding noisome world.
Come, and be hurled across
the black abyss of space
to spread the seed
of human race
from world to world;
move ourselves from greed to grace.
Come with me, my Love,
To the wondrous diamond skies;
To the Endless Night of Stars
(And, because I might publish a collected book of her poems one day - )
(Endless Night of Stars - poem by JS Rowe, copyright 2006, All Rights Reserved)
That would be lovely! I am placing a pre-order now.