hmm…I don’t know what to think of it all…
Well, somebody is certainly up to something. No real indication that it is HG so far, though. On the other hand, this forum looked like a message board for ham radio enthusiasts once uppon a time, so I guess anything’s possible?
If it is HG, I would more tend towards “new product announcement” rather than tying into NMS.
Dunno. I always take the “sit back, eat popcorn, and wait” approach. Whoever is organising this, if you somehow manage to drop any hints in the CIA report about UAPs scheduled to come out next month, I’ll be very impressed!
To me, this looks like an advertising campaign pretending to be an ARG.
An ARG should have a slow burn. It should start by piquing the interest of just a few people. It should build gradually, organically.
It’s too in-your-face, too obviously manipulative.
I don’t know what they’re selling, but I won’t be buying it.
Yeah… if this ends up being an expensive stylish marketing campaign for Fortnite skins, I’m gonna be sad
When I had a quick look at the material found, I noticed the postcards appearing a combination of simplicity with impossible and the audio and videos being of poor quality. For that reason, I may hope this is merely advertisement and IF Fortnite, kind of cheap in my opinion, and therefor unlikely? I hope I am wrong though, but this is usually a bad sign for a proper ARG.
It does seem amateurish, but it would also take a LOT of money to mail all this stuff. Who has enough money to do an amateurish ARG on this scale? It’s confusing to say the least.
Mailing a few cheap Chinese DVD players and a whole bunch of postcards across the US, is likely not even all that expensive. At the moment we do not even know this is an ARG or just a publicity stunt. Confusing for sure and working well for whatever intent as it gets plenty attention
Shouldn’t last much longer … they’re coming … soon™
A useless picture but I thought it would be fun to share. I was using Blender to map out the strings of glyphs on the posters. I didn’t recognize anything but adding a background (NMS screenshots are great for a lot of uses), some extrusion and a bit of glow and …
I don’t think that this is an ARG for us, but it has been fun to play with all the same.
yah, if it wasn’t for Sean suddenly going silent…which is very odd for them after an update…I don’t think I would even consider it was them. Though I think the chances are very small.
Monday is the last day for Expedition 2…so we will see what happens.
dvds going to the streamers seems like a big hint lol
@DevilinPixy You can move this to General Discussion now; it’s definitely NOT No Man’s Sky. Edit: Never mind, I found out I can move it myself.
Nice comment (from Reddit) pretty much sums the whole thing up:
Assuming that the majority of fortnite players are young teens, it’s a nice way to expose them to the concept of an ARG (the idea that a message can be an image in the background noise of a sound recording, or that encryption can be chained, or that humanity has centuries worth of cyphers at its disposal). I found Waking Titan quite hard to solve, it really took a large number of people with different experiences to find the clues, a full blown ARG would be a bit tough for teens. But next time they’ll be prepared.
Yeah, but their postcards recruited a lot of adults who were pretty disappointed that there was nothing to the “puzzles”.
I saw something about Star Citizen coming out of Alpha? Would this be publicity machine working for that game release? I really hope it’s something to do with No Man’s Sky though