The Newest Character in my No Man's Sky Universe

Here is some scientific information about shrimp:

Kingdom - Animalia
Phylum - Arthropoda
Subphylum - Crustacea
Class - Malacostraca
Order - Decapoda
Suborder - Pleocyemata
Infraorder - Caridea

My newest character is

Pleo Caridea, Son of Arthro Caridea - This is his official title

This miniscule being hails from the planet Crustacea. The homeworld of a highly intelligent race of shrimp. Evolutionary pressures forced early form Crustaceans to develop rapidly. Their initial watery environment was filled with countless predators. They sought refuge by escaping to land. Once they discovered land, the spirit of exploration overtook them. Initially, they used the bodies of dead translucent jellyfish by filling them with water. Gradually the species developed glassmaking, then electronics, and robotics; and have created entire land-based metropolises. Their most recent achievement was the development of interstellar space travel. Their first encounter with other intelligent races was with the Korvax. The encounter was peaceful and an alliance was formed. Their second encounter was with the Vy’keen. The encounter was violent as the Vy’keen saw the Crustaceans as a potential food source. A Korvax delegation was sent to the Vy’keen homeworld and the Vy’keen agreed not to eat them. Secretly, the Crustaceans are plotting revenge on the Vy’keen.