So I figured, what a great bunch of people we have here. Why not cement this moment in NMS history by sharing our gaming handles for various networks should the gods that be gift us with multiplayer. Sorry if someones made a thread about this already.
I’ll go first ( I hate my PSN name, it was a joke, and now its not funny anymore)
PSN : ChristianHour
Steam: ToddUmptious (or christianhour if that doesnt work)
I also make fart sounds with instruments at the following sites. I made some music for trappist that was influenced by NMS’s sounds and visuals so that’s about the only crossover from this jargon. Any other artists feel free to show off your work whatever the medium, I love devouring new art soundcloud: Stream ToddUmptious music | Listen to songs, albums, playlists for free on SoundCloud
_hitrecord: HITRECORD
I’m following the Waking Titan, but gosh do you all solve everything fast (and I also have no idea how some things were solved…) But you can find me on PS4 at alonemusic
I just restarted my NMS game as I realised when I started last august I messed up the Atlas Path and am still 600 jumps from the centre… Hoping I can be a bit fast in my new run (if I don’t get too distracted by Wipeout Omega and Elite…)
I also make spacey chiptune/post rock… also as Alone music
also if there are any nms gamepedia wiki authors in here, i’ve just recently written a cmdline script to take inputs and make a basic gamepedia star system source or a base source. basically just answer a few questions about star system or base and bam source is created in notepad that can be instantly pasted into a new wiki page entry and have the most basic items pre-entered and tables created.
admins: if this is not allowed, feel free to remove my post, thought it may be useful for other nms wiki authors or that are sick of looking in the template text for the areas.
You may want to get in touch with the NMS Gamepedia contributors and let them know. Gamepedia NMS Community Portal
You’d probably want to get in touch with either of the Admins, Ddfairchild or Textermer, although I believe Alianin (Wiki Staff) is an active contributor on this wiki as well.