The cassettes are not what we think they are. | x-post from /r/NoMansSkyTheGame

Or also consider the tapes have been unraveled and no more to it

Okay, that’s EXACTLY the attitude that we must resist. What evidence have you to show that the tapes we have are all done? I have outlined specific standards that, if followed, would allow us to say for certain that we’ve pulled all the threads. As it stands we have one single good recording in tape 7, the rest of the recordings are terrible or only cover the first 10 minutes, and one tape which hasn’t even been digitized yet. How can you say the tapes are done?

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if you don’t try, you don’t win


Help me please to understand: Does that mean there is actually no ghost audio on the Side A of the other known cassettes?
For me the existence of those songs (and the fact that Cas.1 is the most noised/echoed) is evidence that Cassette 1 is definitely not the first and the order is not 1-16.
If there would be ghost audio on Side A of the other Cassettes and it defers (for example one less song in ascending behavior) it maybe could help with the right order (if there is something like that).