Title. I’m sending a message back. In the exact same medium. This cassette goes in the mail tomorrow. For anyone who wants more puzzle fun, there are secrets to find within it. Search for it online and you will find it. Side A is uploaded.
Great idea and curious about their response. Keep us informed …
Got the download and will check it out some time soon
Nice! Tip: what’s illegible is also redundantly present
I don’t expect anything in the way of a reply although it just might make me cry rainbow tears of joy if they did!
You won’t be the only one with rainbows @Microcosmologist
Nevadander, did you view the spectrogram of my tape’s Side A? I’ll put up a direct link to it on a slow news day soon…
Alright, today is a slow day… Here is a link to a Reddit thread where I’ve posted the soundcloud audio link! Side A is available for you to listen, and if you feel ambitious, download the file and have a look at the spectrogram. ;D
Yet another reason to despise Reddit. Some of the most magnificent efforts go unnoticed…
Yeaaaaaaah. I was disappointed in the reception. 156 people have listened to it, which is cool. But like 15 upvotes for something that took me around a week to complete… Kind of disillusioning. Sometimes I just don’t get people.
lol yhea that’s some epic houmer
You’re 7 years late, and it’s becoming a pattern…
My bot senses have been tingling with some recent posts by new members but also my desire not to offend people who may be very young or have a condition has been stopping me from saying anything
It’ll be simple to figure out , an AI could never answer this.
What’s your favourite Turtle @KRANG_MONSter ?
Fool Proof.
You are not the only one whose bot senses are tingling. This group seems to have suddenly and unaccountably attracted more new members / returning old members than we’ve seen for years.
This ones a necro and a half
Edit: wtf is going on in that gif? is that a talking cawk? what is it saying? why does it have more eyes than the dudes big head?
Basically the edge lords got a hold of this guy
Which I find offensive because the original was animated in Dublin by a bunch of college graduates who had never done animation before and learnt on the job, Thanks FredWolf Studios
The edge lords are messing with my culture (fun fact, one of those non animators went on to be one of the most pioneering leads in digital animation and won oscars and baftas for a live action Smurfs Movie known as Avatar)
Oh crap now WE are posting in the archives… Everyone go to jail.
The movie wasn’t bad, though.
so? I like tmnt
uhhhh probably raph.
I locked the topic as it has long been archived. Feel free to create a new topic if need be.