So I’m a day one player for those who don’t know and I had the mission called The Atlas path which list the only task as explore the galaxy, which I absolutely love because that’s all I want to do and it had no annoying pop-ups. Unfortunately for whatever reason, after finally starting beyond today and landing on my first planet after leaving the system I started in, the mission went away.
I’m guessing I may have to go visit Nada and Polo in their new home and ask Polo where to find an Atlas station (which is weird. What have they done to Nada?!) I visited them in their new home a little bit ago but then reloaded that save because I thought that’s what caused my Atlas path mission to disappear. I’m also going to send a ticket to zendesk. Of course now I don’t want to lose my updated save because I just landed on a very cool, very strange new to me planet.
Also it keeps saying something about new exocraft technology to create look at the construction computer thing and I don’t see anything related to the exocraft. How do we still not have the option to disable those annoying pop-ups in the bottom right?!!!
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@SaraStarwind: I edited the topic title to include the ‘BEYOND’ prefix and added the category ‘Bugs & Issues’.
There are a number of vendors in the Nexus. The pop-ups everyone is so upset about are a way of introducing you to the new elements in the Nexus. Once I did all of them, the pop-ups went away.
There are some building parts and exocraft parts, etc…that are locked and need to be purchased with Salvaged Tech. That’s the old blue markers we looked for in the past. Not the yellow one which bring the new sentinel type. Just remember to highlight the new quest in the log and it should point you to the Anamoly. This will take you to the correct Construction Computer.
Hope that helps
As for which pop-ups you get, remember to choose the quest in the menu log. I had one disappear as well, could have been the Atlas Path, but it returned later.
I was reluctant to go to the new anomaly because I thought that’s what caused the quest to disappear before I reloaded my saved but I guess I’ll have to go there despite me having very little interest in it other than Nada and Polo of course. I had the Atlas path selected but like I said it disappeared.
Unfortunately now the other mission I had to select constantly pops up in the bottom right and will not go away which I still don’t understand why that happens. But thank you.
It may be what causes it to disappear but, it came back for me later. I leave mine set to Atlas Path as well.
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I started a new game, and noticed that the story has been streamlined and unified in a lot of places. I didn’t get the Atlas path at all. Nada mentions that he would help me “even if I wished to seek out the crimson liar”, which I guess would kind of start the thing up again, but I have no idea whether it would be called the same and whether it would play out the same.
From what I can tell right now, my best guess at the reason for the disappearance is because the quest does not exist anymore in that precise form at all.
This is why I have started a new game while still working on my old one. I want the new story line. 
My partial playthrough I’m using as a sacrificial test of older saves changed as well…
Looks like it jumped to the end of where I was at with the Atlas quest but has also generated a new Atlas path.
Maybe there are changes to the story mission so the game now places you in a position to restart from a storyline waypoint or something.
Feels intentional rather than a bug but I’m guessing here.
Thank you everybody. I’m going to play a little bit later so I’ll update you then. I also submitted a bug report just in case, although maybe I should have waited till Monday.
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