Stuff is happening (STATUS updates-Myriad-W/ARE-NEXT)

Code 5 police jargon Stakeout agents involved uninformed personel stay away
Code 3 emergency
Code 5 win 7 access denied cannot boot from disc must purge mem cache
Code -5 is also a surveillance group who watch people you would rather not run into


Type in wake up

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you can type wake and then anything and it will say the same its an old command


Anyone notice that under contact on the myriad website there’s a map showing a location in Nevada close to Bald Mountain? Not sure if that is exactly the location of Area 51 but if it isn’t it’s gotta be pretty close as Area 51 is right around there near Bald Mountain somewhere but I do suspect that map is indeed pointing to Area 51.


Thanks did not know what do you think it could be :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

On he myriad website it offers diplomatic immunity would a Monarch ever need this?


It is; specifically its Groom Lake Air Force Base. It’s always done that
Based on the Myriad site we can conclude WT is in an alternate present

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I’d imagine not…a Monarch is by default a ruler with near absolute power in his or her country so it’d be extremely awkward to need diplomatic immunity to keep from getting into trouble in their own countries…and rulers of countries usually have it by default in all other countries since anything happening to them would basically be a declaration of war. I don’t see in what context a monarch would ever explicitly need diplomatic immunity…but that’s assuming we are talking about a literal monarch.



works out to this address


the converter shows as a valid address



I checked that out on PC, the coordinates, although valid within the bounds of the Euclid galaxy are corrupted (the star system index is probably off), but either way it brings us to a planet without much to see. On PC someone named the system ‘Waking Titan … “False Lead?”’ but I didn’t see any comm stations or anything of note. Although never hurts to have this double-checked by another set of eyes.


just someone else thinking, following etc, letting others know that it is not here what we are looking for.
strange system
green gases boiling

:beer: time


Waking Titan is a drug, my last hit is just hours old and I’m alreading fiending for more.


Queens birthday maybe? One of her birthdays is in April no?

One of her birthdays…wtf? How does one have more than a birthday?

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She has her birth birthday and her official birthday.

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I am with you think it looks more like a Dragonfly to me :eyes:

when you love gifts so much you give yourself two birthdays lol

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That still makes zero sense…why would the “official” birthday not be her actual birthday?

Because it’s an office of State. The Ruler’s official birthday is always the same, regardless of who the ruler is, or when they were actually born.


I think her Official birthday is the date she ascended the throne. All I know is, as an Englishman. - She’s got two birthdays.