STATUS update ( - W/ARE Dev Studio Application

If you get emails from them, it says “WARE”

yes but what do you do with the V-R headset you ware it so two thing into one logo

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Clearly yes. There’s just one thing i don’tknow what to do with. In the received mail they said:" Twenty-five lucky people following this newsletter have been sent keys from the exciting game studios working with us!"
The key is for the game Shadow Tactics from Mimimi Production. Does this studio friend with HG ? (or A&S)


yes, that studio mentioned Waretech on Twitter


Hey guys has this been done yet? I entered “Help Loop16” on the waking titan website and it gave me a reply. “Available commands include: list, start, seed . See documentation for a full list of commands and guidelines” has this been seen before?

I don’t think that is new… I think that is the results for the ‘help’ command.

Yes indeed it is just figured that out myself :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’m just excited and need more information !!


Haha yep I’m right with you on that one! :grin:

Has GDC released the archived video of Innes McKendrick from this year yet?

Not that I know, but if anything will be released, it will likely first appear on GDC Vault before becoming available on YouTube. I am however not a member of GDC Vault, but I do believe they just made the talk by Emily Short available for members on their website; Beyond Procedural Horizons: Exploring Different Uses of Procedural Content Generation.
GDC Vault (main website)
GDC Vault (search Innes McKendrick GDC 2018)

I am looking forward to it as well, so will post about it as soon as I get my hands on it (if nobody has beaten me to it).


Heads up for a crazy ride you will enjoy! Remember that tweet Sean sent last week? With the weird green, glowy ice-blob and the corky dude? It was from episode 6, season one of Legion. And the actor plays a part in that.
Well, two days ago, season 2 episode 1 aired… I downloaded and watched it. Mindblown! Some of the stuff will hit you in the face if you followed the ARG.
Easter eggs from the top of my head… Animated Zhuangzi’s butterfly tale, the 10.000 fireflies-thingy-sculpture… More hexagons that I could count… Mind-surfing tech, mental-constructs… Need to watch!


I have been bumming around the Ware website and started to visit all of their partners webpages. I noticed that Popcannibal was the only partner that referenced Ware on their site. Probably doesn’t help any but I just thought that was interesting

WE ARE at top of page, I just stumbled upon this site. Any updates regarding this one?
I sent an email to them requesting info, so we’ll see if this is anything or just a red herring.


W/ARE has updated with english support and locked Developer section, thank you @sheralmyst for pointing this out!


I tried clicking on the “forgot password” clickable, and nothing happens. The page may still be a work in progress.


To whom it may concern,

I can not go to that site!
I can not make my fingers to enter an email.
Just can’t!



Has anyone been able to log on as a dev yet?

Baku Digital is an existing campany: Stuff is happening (STATUS updates-Myriad-W/ARE-NEXT) - #1174 by kerdorin


18 posts were merged into an existing topic: STATUS update Memory Dump & PAX East 2018 Live Drop