(Spoilers) My theory on why the ARG is not yet over, and where it goes next

I am also trying to complete some tasks in case needed in the near future. Patch finally gave me my missing noospheric orb recipe. Now I need cymatygen and viridium. What type of planets are these on.? I want to be ready just in case.

You need to look at star color. Cymatygen is in blue star systems, Viridium in green star systems. As far as I know, all planets in the system will contain the element.


Yeah you can find them in circular shaped deposits. They’re not particularly uncommon. Also there’s a red element you need too.

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Perhaps there was an intention to draw some of the community off-guard for a positive surprise that would draw more interest? (and if that is the case, I support it.)

I actually have the red element. I was so happy when I found it!