If you don’t mind a little gamesmanship, you can save your game before you blow the doors off (there’s always a hard save point outside a manufacturing facility). Then loading the save will allow you to try all three of the multiple choice answers. Only one choice will give you the reward, but the lore dialogue is different in each case.
Yep…I admit to doing that on a couple of occasions.
@vGinga : To add to all the answers above, there is no need to keep multiple Atlas Passes once you get them, as the higher version includes what lower versions can do. So eventually only v3 is required.
OMG…I never knew this… I mean it makes sense. I just never thought of it.
All this time I’ve been carting around all 3.
That’s not how it’s always been though is it?
I’m certain I tried that idea ages ago & it didn’t work.
I believe this was fully functional (as intended) since Visions, which fixed some issues with higher version passes.
- Fixed an issue that prevented some doors + items that require Atlas Pass v1 from accepting v2 or v3.
The downside to being a day-one player: You get used to stuff & just never think to revise your ‘knowledge’. Mrs Mad_Hatter was just as surprised as I was. (We are oldies from the Time of Thamium after all).
Oh well, silver lining is: we just gained a couple of inventory slots
When it says the Atlas is still waiting for you, it means you can still go to the center of the galaxy to go to a different galaxy.
Yep. Been that way for a while.
Side note: When checking when that capability was introduced, I found that the No Man’s Sky wiki is being migrated to the fandom.com domain to get better search rankings.
New address
No Man’s Sky Wiki (fandom.com)
One would think that HG should work under the assumption that every player wants to complete everything and explore… I get that they want to keep the mystery alive, but they generally are too cryptic and confusing about whether a player succeeded in ‘something’ or not. We play games to have small successes, if I wanted to feel “uneasy” and “lose my mind” and be “crushed”, I’d stay in real life!
Part of it is plainly bad UX design (User Experience) to be honest, example Atlas Passes: Each pass replaces the previous one, but you install them in the same way as the cumulative modules, so that’s what everybody does, we follow their design language. And one day you realise you could have freed up those 2 inventory slots 2 years ago… And the whole confusion about the importance of going through the centre of the galaxy, you learn it’s precisely as important as travelling to yet another solar system. Learning something new is usually a feeling of success, so were you happy when you found out these things? I think I sighed and rolled my eyes… .
After four years, players still have the same frustrations. Remember this prominent support form on their site? I used to submit questions and bug reports with carefully labelled screenshots and suggestions. And for all the bugs they fixed (yay!) and all the suggestions they implemented (hurray!) , my tickets are still unread and “open”. Simply closing fixed tickets would send the implicit message “See? We listened!” If I had not stuck around and actively read all the patch notes (as we few remaining on this forum do), I would never know the good news.
Is HG’s support database just full of repetitions of the same questions and they just sit there, “Well, guess that’s another person feeling crushed not knowing the main quest is incompletable, what a pity nobody can do anything about it“? “Oh look, another person who was mislead by the same 4-year-old wiki page, if only somebody who knew the answer could edit wikis”?
(I have to deal with the same attitude at my dayjob so it’s fresh on my mind, grrrr.)
If they would allow me to close my own tickets, that would already be something. (Made a suggestion ticket for that)