Solving STATUS update Memory Dump & PAX East 2018 Live Drop

Not absolutely confirmed as far as I know… working lead only

I am pain-stakingly translating the french text from this website, which has the W/ARE logo at the bottom, using Google Translate without the use of copy/paste since my PS4 can’t do that.

The tablets of Mnemosyne
Philo Game
You: But I already know all that (everything)!
Socrates: Let’s say that these tablets are a present of Mnemosyne mother of the muses, and all we want to remember, between all the things we have or seen or heard or thought of ourselves, we print it as if with a stamp, always holding these tablets ready to receive our sensations and our reflections: that we remember and know everything that was imprinted on it, as long as the image remains; and that when it is erased, or that it has not been possible for it to be graver, we forget it, and we do not know it.

  1. But it’s completely stupid
  2. Or…
  3. It would follow that what we know, we knew and did not know at the same time?

Don’t know if anyone has noted this yet.

The picture of “Arnaud Lacours” on the website is a fake.

I put it through Google Image Search - it’s a stock photo entitled “Hipster Man”.

Game Detectives discord seems to be overlaying the “fridge magnet” images like so:

Looks like there are 4 livedrops with 4 different usb sticks revealing 4 different images and 4 different text files. 3 usb sticks have been delivered, waiting on the fourth.


This is (supposedly) a game developer referenced by the WARE site. All the previous ones there were real. This one’s not.

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Looks like this is the final 4 text files together:

A cornucopia of knowledge is in the mind of mankind, but it must be nurtured and hidden from the wrath of time. Time swallows all things, ends all beginnings, and leaves each of us devoured.

A mind invisible is buried underground, but a mind of water carries no patterns. It is the mind, the wrist pointed to heaven, which allows us to dream. It is this hand on high that cast down our demons to the earth.

Slumber in prison for eternity, lock away every great thing, but the spirit cannot be broken. A voice like ages rocks the very ground and with it’s call a rise to action of every terror.

Of chaos swirls a terrible nothing, but pulled together without reason is reason born from chaos. A single note, another still, a symphony is creation where each piece follows the last no matter how the thread dances.

Edit: Google drive with files:


I think whoever wrote this drivel had eaten far too many of the mushrooms.



What username and password was used to get to there?

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Password: f1orbiag55z1


If you click on his profile picture on WARE, it leads to a page that lists his phone number, call it and you can hear a male voice speaking in French, then a female voice. Someone who speaks French please translate!




The password was obtained by overlaying the images received on the USB sticks, then taking the first alphanumeric character of each part.


Very good point, I retracted my statement.


No worries. It’s a game.


Here’s a summary of everything that happened today if you don’t want to read through it all. Also, I give my own speculations on what it all means.


Thanks for the recap!

I’m not useful in solving any of the ARG problems, but I notice that Arnaud’s login is Level 3 and apparently not high enough to permit access to things we might want to know. Perhaps Level 4 passes might help?


Hmm Level 4 passes you say? I just happened to have one of those shiny little thangs right here!

The poetry that you like @MacForADay, it is a riddle.

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I’m still not convinced that’s not Phil Fish :rofl:

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