I am 45/80 ^^
I’m sure that whatever comes next, we’ll need NMS handy, so let’s hope this key proves useful
You forgot @Puzzle who made the contest. i believe he had 24/80
I find it interesting that we see so few people with keys. I’m willing to bet there are some who aren’t even in this threads, but still. a handful out of 80??? It almost seems like they will be continually sent out throughout the ARG. And maybe even on different platforms. E.g. PS4.
There really is now way of knowing for, is there?
I am not really suprised: take into account the people that registered at the start of the ARG, out of curiosity, but aren’t interested in it anymore. Then consider the huge NMS-fanbase that isn’t active on this platform. Lastly, consider that we are 447 registered users here, yet the group really active is a lot smaller. I would be suprised if we find out more than 20% of the codes.
Never the less I’m routing for this list! Keep it going!
Gosh I missed everything ! The survey and now this… grrrr