Side B of tape #9/16 has been uploaded! Please analyze ASAP!

Wow! Super impressive work, guys :smiley: I’ll update my Resources & Information post really soon.


Great work, y’all. It’s a shame that someone had to ruin the surprise, though to be fair that was a pretty easy password to guess.

Oh wow, I though you were kidding :laughing:.

Nope! But to be fair, most people didn’t immediately believe it either XD

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I applaud all these people working together so well to solve this puzzle!! Good job guys!

It’s incredible to watch these things get solved.

I had to use ROT 13 to actually get to ‘JOURNEY’, while now the way I did it never even used a shift.

*NOTE*     *MIDI*    *ASCII*                   *ROT13*
481.92 Hz   71(B)       G       65+22=87    W     J
144.70 Hz   50(D)       2       65+1=66     B     O
206.29 Hz   56(Ab)      8       65+7=72     H     U
173.08 Hz   53(F)       5       65+4=69     E     R
137.97 Hz   49(Db)      1       65          A     N
369.85 Hz   66(Gb)      B       65+17=82    R     E
260.75 Hz   60(C)       <       65+11=76    L     Y

I basically took the lowest MIDI value (49) and made that the start of the alphabet > A (ASCII 65). From there I added the difference of the others with 49, to 65. This will result in it fitting the alphabet. When the result did not make sense, I checked every shift using a Ceasar Shift here: to see if there were any logical words. This turned out to be a shift of 13 (ROT13) to get to JOURNEY, the initial result. Now we have for the code, WBHEARL, which uses no shift at all the way I solved it.

Hz to MIDI, see this website:

Edit: By the way, 65-49= 16


I chose to reduce them to 35 because, being a scale, it was more confortable cause we kinda knew what we were looking for. After that, I produced all 26 possibilities of words rotating them, and the only one that made sense was Journey (in case there was another english word in that rotation that could be used as a password). The new answer was there, but I didn’t know it at that time.

At the same time, @JamCow rot13-ed it and we got our password :smiley:.


I understand you worked your way to the solution already found. But I think it works better to see the full logic. In the end it works either way, because you would just apply another shift once within the alphabet.

This was a pretty tough one though. Especially considering the medium being an analogue cassette and the work required to get something sensible out of this.

Good job everyone!


Amazing work! Wish I was here to be a part of it, still being here as a spectator has been just as awesome! 3 weeks left bit so many more glyphs. Maybe there will be more tapes to come?

… and all that to get a glyph to turn red for a reward … (CSS is easier)


Amazing all the different thought processes to try different techniques that result in the correct answer. We all bring something unique to this experience and approach problems from different perspectives.
Waking Titan needs more challenges like this.

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Has the music been identified yet?

To be fair, the word “journey” was in the Side A recording, so even if someone had not guessed it, we may have been able to find it from that.

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Signed up just to reiterate what other users have said, I am legitimately impressed by this community and these solutions. Can’t wait to see what else comes out. 7/24/2017 feels so far.


I am not sure what you mean with the word ‘JOURNEY’ being on side A of the cassette. Can you let us know where and how this was found? For all I know someone guessed the solution before it was meant to be found, resulting in a change.

My mistake, the voice uses “travels” not journey.

No problem, all good :wink: You had me curious for a bit though … and made me look again, lol.

Not that I’ve seen anywhere on the forums… Wanna take a crack at it? :musical_note:

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