@DevilinPixy – your “Hi Ho, Silverdrone!” with pointy finger was a Good one.
Your “DroneBack Rider, Goin’ Nowhere Fast” was Better! (Amusing)
I’m a little stumped by two things, though:
(1) WHAT IS that thing you doctored into a “carrotbone before the horsedrone”?
(2) Did you “rouse” a Quadroney, run away to stay safe, and come back to find it still there?
Or have you discovered a DroneBug…? (Should they be standing still for so long?)
That’s a good idea, @jedidia!! A “surf” emote / (Usain) BOLT emote… and/or a “ride” emote…
Are you the “Idea Jedi”? Or are you channelling Jebediah Springfield??
PS - @DevilinPixy, did you take the opportunity to SCAN the Quadra (& screenshot the scan), to add to That Other Thread about Sentinel Behaviours / Programming, btw?
(Saving a space for when I relocate the thread, to Edit in a Direct Link…)
Thanks for joining in, Devi!!
Some great shots!
PPS: @CuriousCabbit – “Where’s Wicket?”
Well, Wicket got away, thankfully.
However – do you see that MASSIVE CRATER in the right background?
That’s where a different Ewok used to be…
(No, didn’t get their name…)
Also, using someone else’s pic won’t net you a win here…
(… but I’m sure you already knew that! Pics can be “quoted” / set off, too, I believe!)
Looking forward to your OWN pix, before too long! I get a feeling you’re workin’ on it…