Screenshots 🖼


This is true, though I was thinking the shorthand for squadron. But that’s wrong too, because a squadron is a military unit, and these are just guys flying together.

They used to fly to planetary locations more often, because back in the days of launch up to the 1.4 update, I would occasionally follow flights of ships if my Trading Post hunt was eluding me, as they would often head for either Minor Outposts or Trading Posts. At some point they began ignoring Minors.

I was doing some hotdogging through a planet’s canyons when I spotted this formation. Caverns?? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


There used to be a lot of odd formations like this. Some planets would be strewn with one type. It has been a long time since I have seen one. Glad to see it!



I long for the good old days when cave interiors had a creepy organic look instead of looking like shale. Ah, well. Sigh.


They’re not worm borrows? Darn.



This is a journey of 4 different planets, across 2 different solar systems. :earth_americas:


When I saw this planet, I thought, “Cool! :sunglasses: Brown grass!”

:seedling: I’ve never seen this before in NMS. It also had beautiful golden trees.


I stand on one planet gazing above me looking at another. :thinking:

This critter remines me of a rhino.


I was taking a pic of the valley, when I noticed a rainbow. This planet did not have any storms.


This is a fire storm I had on one of my planets.

:fire: :sweat:

And when it wasn’t storming…

These remined me of underwater plants, but are probably cactus.


For some reason your screenshots don’t show…


They show(ed) for me, Both… Before Star’s edit, and after her edit. Try refresh. Does that help?

Hotdoggin’ n’ doughnuts?


I thought you were being suggestive for a moment. But maybe you are. :sweat_smile:

I mistyped “caverns” instead of canyons when I posted yesterday after a very late session. When I went back into the thread to see some new posts, I caught my mistake and fixed it. It seems like we used to have a [strike] command in here…


@stryker99 No, the rock formation you posted just looks precisely like a doughnut, that’s all.

You know, I haven’t seen one of these in a really longtime. Found one in the Abyss, recently…


Too bad the wiki article hasn’t been updated since Atlas Rises 1.3. These are much rarer than Vortex Cubes, found in caves everywhere nowadays. It seems the Vortex Cube used to be much rarer, before.

I would like to see a greater collection of items like these, scattered all about the universe. It would be interesting if these also had lore, or at the very least hinted at such, or other unrelated lore did so. Although, I haven’t personally come across anything that seems to suggest toward such understandings.

I always estimated that the Vortex Cube is some form of Ancient Lock. But I do not know for sure, and I have no idea of what the AquaSphere could be. Such a mystery, and their descriptions don’t help much either. And further, now we also have vortex cubes on pedestals, that look nothing like what’s found in caves.

And so the mystery continues… “What art thou?”


There was no need to edit your post. I’m half ready for a picnic. :yum:

I’m hoping that we get a LOT more lore in this iteration as it expands over the coming months. This reality is whispering very loudly about Some Secrets yet to be revealed. As a writer who can’t get enough of apocalyptic big endings to my stories, I’d love to offer some suggestions for Lore plots to Team Mercury, and see if I could juice up the Code a bit.

I’m intending to write a little “diary,” detailing my joys and frustrations with this curious universe we find ourselves in. And not constrained by the bounds of what-is, adding in my own fantasies based on what we’ve all experienced, so it won’t entirely be a chronicle. Unfortunately, I’ve been going through some troubles lately, along with our tumultuous nation, and my sleep habits are in chaos, so I’ve been too tired to do much creating for an annoying length of time. But I have something started…

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Didn’t help then, but now they show.

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See below for various ways to accomplish a strikethrough:


More Lore = More Mystery

I say, “Bring it!”

I like to write myself, imagination has no limit. If circumstances ever allow and you do someday get a chance, you’ve got a captive audience here and Hello Games loves a good sci-fi. I think it is that anything and everything inspires them.

Suggestion: You could create a new thread, and file it under…

  • General Discussion
  • NMS > Creative

Whichever seems more fitting. And there’s also a ‘WISHES’ thread.

These new items have been a fun dig…

…only thing is, “What lore?”


@Crimsontine: I have edited your post to not repeat the info about ‘strikethrough’ I already linked. I have also removed the suggestion to use ‘Off Topic’ as this category is not being used, but -sadly enough- still present.

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You linked a full discussion on the matter. I liked it, :heart: and summarized it in few words. My post has been re-edited accordingly, and ‘Off-Topic’ has been renamed ‘General Discussion.’ Some light convo.

Origins of the Aliens

Click Here for Previous Chapters


Part 4: Awakening from the Cataclysm

CHARACTER: “My home planet sure looks different, although it’s a fresh change of scenery.”

PLAYER: “It’s now called… ‘THE NEST.’”

CHARCTER: “Hmm, I think my homeworld has become the epicenter of infestation.”

PLAYER: “However, I do like Living Ships, :egg: so we might can work with this.”

CHARCTER: “Do I see a shooting star? :comet: Tiny bubbles on my Lush planet?”

PLAYER: “Hmm, a lush-exotic planet hybrid? :thought_balloon: Yeah, things really changed, for sure.”

CHARCTER: “Perhaps we should take to the stars, see the sights to be seen…”

And so they took to the stars

And where they went, nobody knows

To Be Continued…


@Crimsontine: I removed the ‘strikethrough’ info once more. The discussion and info can be found in another topic where it belongs, therefor there is no need to repeat it here where this discussion does not belong, summarised or not.

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