S Class Megathread

that’s what save editors are for… if you don’t mind “bringing limited ships up to the standard of everything else” aka cheating :wink:


LOL I see your point, alas… I am on PS4. Oh well, the hunt for the next great ship continues.

I’m not sure if anyone else has posted this or not, but for those skinny S-Types where you have trouble clicking on the Tech slots? You can hit “E” and it will select it. Same goes for your Suit and Freighter.

I kind of thought by reading the patch notes that we would be getting an improved way of navigating those (arrows?) but yeah, that is the way…
*Maybe something Ps4, players got? With their fancy looking around in the cockpit still forbidden for us… No grudge, no grudge… But seriously, now! Give it to us!


You’re not missing much with looking round cockpit, can’t look that far either way, am hoping the will patch VR inti it at some point :crossed_fingers:


Sorry, that was my “PC Master Race” keyboard privilege coming through again. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I saw a YouTube video of a 48 slot squid type ship and thought that it had to be cheated. :roll_eyes:

The highest number of slots I have seen for the S-class ships in game personally is 20. Has anyone seen larger?

Hey, I have found more of those ball shaped ships than i can buy. But i havent even seen one of those ‘squid ships’.
Where can i find them? I’ve been playing fulltime for 4 weeks. Do you have to be close to the centre to find them?

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I’m not sure if it was sheer luck on my part, but…

[POTENTIAL SPOILER] Apollo’s ship spawned as one in the storyline.


It didnt in my game. Thats just awesome luck

It was luck…in my game is was a very miserable Shuttle…the worst dirt the NMS universe has to offer. But RNGesus was with me in another system where while waiting for my current S class fighter I had the most amazing of all Exotics pull into the station…20+6 slots and +49/59/64% bonuses.


After a month of playing 8hours a day i still had not even seen a squid like exotic. But i just found 2 within 5 minutes.
System: 5 planets 1 moon
Economy: industrial-affluent
Conflict: Perilous
Coordinates: 0C58:007E:0363:000E




I restarted my save for 1.6, but since 1.7 seen my first explorers… I think there is a chance exotics were bugged on older saves.

1.6? 1.7? What year did you time travel from? Last I checked the current version of NMS is 1.35 with 1.36 in experimental…so we’re a good three major content updates from 1.6.


I’m afraid we’re not in the same simulation :smiley:

Let me adjust my Flux capacitor… Uopsy. That is right, 1.37 experimental in your time-line.


Okay just checking I am new to exotics but is 19 slots and 20 slots good enough to purchase them at the one pictures is my final one my other five are all 19 and 20 slots.


Based on design, that’s my favourite kind… I’d like those side-thrusters with one of the long fins, but that is not in existence, so next best thing, for me, is that one. Best tip and back out there! Not getting into slots, bonuses or colour…

I have every body style except for squid it just didn’t interest me that much and I can’t seem to find one.