PS4 patch 1.56 at 5:20 am Pacific time

It’s not like it does not work, but the timing is different and the momentum is a lot less than what I have been able to get before. Due to the forward momentum being less, I end up getting more upward boost sooner as well. I might as well run … The difference I noticed yesterday when I got my new tool, is quite big. Hoping to find better soon, either alien or preferably experimental, as I have yet to see issues reported for them.


That may be my issue then. I just upgraded to a rifle…rats! Not being able to pull it off really ruins my preferred pace and makes the exploration drag.


Yeah I’m not crazy about these gigantic multitools lol. Wish we could color them like our gear to blend in a bit more.
I have a nice S class 24 slot multitool in my creative game. I dread to think what a alien s class multitool will cost in normal :smiley:


Not too bad. The experimentals are somewhere around 5 mil, I’d guess the alien ones would be somewhere in that range too.


My Alien multitool cost about 8 mil units to repair but this was all the way back in the pathfinder update. Still…from what I’ve noticed Alien multitools are signifficantly better than experimental multitools. For one the combined stats of an S class experimental are a ~150% in bonuses while an S alien gets bonuses that combine for ~190%, and secondly the primary bonus of the experimental multitools is in scanning for 100% with very weak sub 30% bonuses in damage and mining…scanning is pretty much the least useful stat of a multitool because the tech modules for it will still get you a ton of distance…even with a minor bonus to scanning you can likely still break 1000 range quite easily. So yeah…experimental multi-tools are quite overrated and not really all that good.


I used to prefer my experimental back in Atlas Rises, although may have been my inexperience, to feel the stats were better back then. Will have to reconsider when I find either Alien or Experimental in NEXT. One thing I do know, that rifle has to go! Thanks for the heads up :wink:


Thank you folks. Those prices aren’t bad at all. I definitely have to get one. I’m going around to manufacture buildings and getting the blueprints they give me now. The shooting the door open and sentinals with my ship is a breeze! heh heh.

Happy Traveling, and goodnight!


OMG DarthTrethon, look what I found when I went back to the very starting planet you brought me too in your system It was just a little outpost I found, and was so happy to get this the first time I opened the multitool thing on the wall. DarthTrethon! I think I paid 2 million for it. I was so excited to get it!! I included the coordinates to where it is too.

Have a wonderful weekend!


It’s definitely an awesome early multitool to start off with for the slots, but long term you’ll still want to keep an eye out for Alien or Expermiental.


Oh heck yeah, I’ll want that alien one. Oh also I got some really kick butt thing I can craft that sells for 17 million last night, and I have no idea on earth where to get the stuff it needs to craft lol. I’m assuming that will be 3 more manufacturing places I will have to break into to get those ingredient craft recipes too.
I’m having loads of fun DarthTrethon now that I can break into the manufacturing places heh heh.

I got a nice ship the other day that already gives 48% damage so I can kick those pirate’s butts and one shot them now with my positron thing lol .

Off to work. Have a fantastic weekend! Happy Traveling!


The high value items are made of products you can learn to craft…so you need to keep busting down factories to learn the product recipes for the product recipe that makes the expensive thing…in reality the super high value stuff is about a dozen products combined into one.


Thanks DarthTrethon, that’s exactly what I’m doing. I found a nice system at least until I can find a lush planet eventually that I like with blue grass and I’m putting my new base there.
I’ve been taking out pirates (80 now) and destroying ships because I’m upgrading everything with S class from nano vendors.
I have some good items to craft now, but I want to get as many as possible, then I’ll start farming for the crafting items. I am building storage on my freighter and on my base so I can add more minerals.
I hope I’ll be able to get farming npc to add to my base soon.
I know what you mean about the super high value stuff. I have two of the recipes now. So I can’t wait to figure out where to get the other items to craft these.
I’ve still got to get a walker brain for the thing for my ship that will tell me what the planets are at the bottem for example “Tranquil” " Mile" etc. I have 5 seeds from the atlas quest now too. I’m just storing those for now.
I really like this galaxy, and again, thank you!


Find a lush planet? I don’t think I’ve seen a single yellow star that doesn’t have a lush planet in Eissentam since NEXT and I’ve been to dozens of systems…at least 50 so far. Even yellow stars with a single planet had that one planet be a lush planet…if it’s not a total guarantee that every yellow star has a lush planet it’s pretty damn close to guarantee.

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Am I describing them right? The ones come up and like Paradise, Temperate, etc, they say “Lush.”
Hello Games must not want me to have a lush planet again because for the life of me even in Eissentam I can’t find one lol. The ones that had the beautiful purple, and blue landscape.
The best I could find as far as alien colors, instead of looking like earth colors was the blue grass one I just found a little while ago.
I can’t tell if a yellow star is tranquil yet because it doesn’t give me those stats. The yellow stars that are Tranquil have the best chance of finding a Lush planet, correct Darth?

How can you not? Literally every yellow system has one…warp to a yellow systems with six planets/moons…it’s pretty much impossible not to find one.

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I’ll try some more tonight. They are called Lush right Darth? So far I’ve seen Paradise, Verdant, Incandescent, Temperate, but no Lush. I’ve only been to about 20 stars, with the missions I’m doing. Now I’m doing free explore to find manufacturing buildings.
The one I made a base on this morning was a Paradise.
I’ll keep looking, I will definitely find that Lush. At least I know they are there in Eissentam.

Not necessarily…they’re called various things but when you land on them they are lush…if you scan from space and a planet has Star Bulb on it that’s a lush world. Most have completely calm weather with no threats other than the cave poisonous plants. About 1 in 10 has hostile sentinels and about 1 in 10 has like an occasional storm…but most have no storms or any threats whatsoever other than the cave poison plants and snappy vines.

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Then I’ve found a bunch of those. They are super nice but I’ll still look out for that brightly colored greens, purples and blues that I had before a very long time ago. If I can find a pic Ill post it. I actually don’t mind if the weather isn’t so good, I just want to beauty of it :smiley: I’ll go look right now so you know what I’m talking about. Brb

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Here are some examples of what I had before I lost it all when Next came out. There are super bright greens, orange/purple, and the one doesn’t show the blue or purple, but you’ll have an idea.
These were so beautiful.


They’re still out there…I’ve seen one or two that had green grass but they’re not very common…most lush worlds have red/orange grass.

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