I seem to get the profanity filter a lot. Yesterdays, I got it for “shrugging god”, I used “the god that shrugs” instead. Is it just “ing” words? Maybe,it was something else in the sentence. It would be super helpful if it told you the offence part, but then it would be, being offensive.
The Profanity Filter is kinda funny because the games algorithm for generating planet/fauna/flora/NPC names can often generate things you can’t use yourself.
For example my surname is Gaynor. I can’t name anything with my surname for obvious reasons, but I have seen plenty of “gay” letter combinations show up in the middle and end of words, I’ve even seen NPCs with the name “Gay”. Their algorithms are above the law XD
yeah, spike is not allowed, i think it’s for racial reasons
there is so much stuff i want to name as ‘spikey thing’
and yet this guy gets past the filter:
Since you brought it up. Sorry, @Polyphemus, your thread might turn in to post your inappropriate procedural game content here. If oldgods ask Emily did it.