Phase 2 topic 2

Last code entered 24 hrs from when emails went out…?

Close enough to 24 hours. Some user is claiming he figured it out with hints but his theory doesnt seem to work out (its tied in to that lowercase H I keep yelling at) I reckon was automated. Some people think bruteforced maybe.

Though the last few codes trickled in so slowly, I was starting to think it was a countdown of sorts. Does anyone know if we logged the times the last few codes trickled in at somewhere?

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I’m glad the last code finally got put

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Off topic _ The heart here is unreal


The website’s loop16 page has a “boot process successful, now validating output” message.

That was like that before the last code entered

On the Waking Titan page, when LOOP16 entered and the response is LISTENING, one has to ask:

What for?
Is the term "listening to be taken literally or is it referring to something else?

Could the notches correlate to the roll music one would get from a player piano? Hence listening?


Went to and got a message saying “Good try” tricky tricky


That’s the new wakingtitan 504 message, it showed that yesterday when it was updating.

I already tried that. I didn’t get any useful data out of it.

did you try rotating it 90 degrees?

No, but knock yourself out if you want to try. :wink:

The blank spaces turned 90 degrees counter clockwise makes it look like 16


I typed in “Status” and it responded “I’ll tell you when I’m ready”.

“you’re not ready for this yet”


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I’ve never messed with MIDI software.

the blank spaces sort of remind me of a genetic market sheet…

im in dallas… its not going to be as clear, but im still excited for it!

that screen is used for any url it doesnt recognize. its a personal 404 message.

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