On my way, to the Pilgrim Star…

Entry number 2.
Have made 10 jumps forward, towards Pilgrim Star and have so far remained fairly accurate.
Paused to refuel and have a look about in:
Location: UGBA:0550:0080:01A7:00C8
Require directional correction of 2.1 degrees.

Saw strange anomaly of stars in a string…I kept away but took a picture.
No theory yet …(get it… ‘string theory) :rofl:
Noticed that Optimum Range is fouled by dead space in between regions forcing me to pull up short sometimes.
Range is working out about 4900 ly to a refuel. Not bad and not unexpected.
Can use shadowed line of previous warp visible in Galactic Map to help orientate for the next warp which is handy.

Odd star structure.

EDIT: this structure was actually found on the first step of the journey but in the distraction of the task at hand I mistakenly noted it in my second entry due to the delay uploading from ps4 to usb to computer to here.