Old gods email

wait now, this is pure speculation and there is nothing to say that this is a PC exclusive… heck we don’t even know if “Atlas pass v4” is a WT thing or a NMS thing or both… and actually there are many more players on PS4 than on PC

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I hope too there is something for non NMS players


I’m pretty sure the PS4 players will be included. I wouldn’t worry too much about that.


So happy I’m not alone with this :slight_smile: :heart:

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This reminds me of the heavily rumoured and sought after Odvinsko hyperDrive

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I was taking a nap and all heck broke loose lol. Was so confused I dropped my phone and accidently unsubscribe to the mailing list via email link ugh. Now fully awake and resubscribed I can’t wait for the survey anyone got It yet video said in just a few mins.

I go idle for a while and EVERYTTHING happens haha, no survey for me yet.


I was taking in the new Castlevania series on Netflix (absolutely the best video game cartoon adaptation ever!) and came back to all this. Insane!

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no survey yet

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those few minutes were a lie… :sob:

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No man’s lie… A woman’s lie :rofl:

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got the survey!

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Just got another new email from Old Gods!!1

I’m thinking the 10,000 Atlas passes to be mailed out(if she is telling the truth that is awesome) will be mainly based randomly on those who have participated and gave out their e-mails for this ARG, that would only be fair.


Judging by the survey email and the twitch stream, the Atlas v4 passes to be send are actual physical passes. Only 10.000 are available and will be randomly distributed.
Everyone on the mailing list will recieve the invitation and can ofcourse take part in the coming storm :wink:

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the last question of the survey is if you want to receive a physical atlas pass, so you’re right.

Oh my (old)god… just spent 2 hours in the garden, enjoying a summer day’s calm dusk, and took a nice & refreshing shower afterwards. Was thinking about which movie I watch before going to bed.

And then this.

I love it.


Got my survey just now and filled it out.

I was about to make a very late supper and preparing answers for my possible job interview next week, and I’ve got the email…

I guess I (and some other folks here too) was right something will happen today (July 9th) :smiley: So happy! And a bit excited too :smiley:


so now we have to wait until the 21…
What am I going to do with my life now?