NEXT Patch notes - Steam Experimental [POTENTIAL SPOILERS!]

1.54 also live on PS4, that was unusually quick compared to previous certification wait period.


A lot of fixes. I find it kind of sad they have to reduce the time it takes to scan a creature through a patch instead of an upgrade like we used to have. I’m still trying to find another upgrade to reduce scanner recharge time.

Latest changes on Experimental (08/08)
  • Fixed a memory leak in the UI

  • Fixed a number of crashes to do with freighters

  • Fixed a crash that affected particular planets

  • Fixed a crash that could occur while creating a race track in a borrowed Exocraft

  • Reduced texture memory usage to improve overall stability

  • Fixed an issue where players would get stuck in The Purge mission

  • Fixed an issue where players would get stuck in the Ghost in the Machine mission

  • Fixed an issue where players would receive incorrect mission instructions while returning with the Mind-Arc

  • Fixed an issue where Sentinels would chase players forever if they did not complete the final Weapon Specialist mission

  • Fixed an issue that was causing dialogue and rewards at certain found buildings to repeat (including Traveller graves and portal glyphs)

  • Fixed an issue that caused players upgrading their save to not have any primary missions if they were on the tutorial for expanding their inventory when they upgraded to NEXT

  • Fixed an issue where legacy saves would not know the recipe for microchips, the large refiner and some advanced survival products

  • Fixed an issue where trade commodities were not available for sale in the space station

  • Fixed an issue where player ships could shoot themselves in multiplayer

  • Fixed an issue where some base parts were not available in the blueprint analyser

  • Fixed an issue where players would get stuck if they died before using the Navigation Data in the tutorial

  • Fixed an issue where the labels of hot / cold thermal protection upgrades were the wrong way around

  • Fixed an issue where the Efficient Launch Thruster upgrade was not learnable in space stations

  • Fixed an issue where terrain edits caused by building parts would regenerate in multiplayer

  • Fixed an issue where Base Computers placed inside other bases could not be deleted

  • Fixed some instances of an issue where ships would all spawn on the same landing pad

  • Fixed a number of incorrect refiner recipes

  • Expanded the available refiner recipes

  • Removed the chance to get nanites from Buried Technology Modules

  • Reduced the frequency of storms in some situations

  • Slightly increased the cost of launch fuel, but made one canister entirely refill the thrusters

  • In normal mode, slightly reduced the base rates of hazard and life support fuel usage

  • Slightly reduced the radius at which Sentinel drones will investigate players

  • Reduced the time required to scan discoveries with the Analysis Visor

  • Increased the recharge rate of the jetpack when onboard a Space Station

  • Farm plants now grow in real-world time (rather than game time), allowing farms to continue growing while you are away from the game. As a consequence, adjusted farming times + prices.

  • Placed the Space Anomaly marker on the entrance to the Anomaly rather than the centre of the model

  • Fixed an issue where mission markers would not attach to the correct base

  • Reduced the number of whispering eggs around Abandoned Buildings

  • Fixed an issue with rain audio

  • Added audio to the target tagging UI

  • Fixed a bug in the auto-aim system concerning large creatures

  • Reduced the critical hit zone for biological horrors

  • Fixed an issue in creature replication that could cause creatures to freeze

  • Fixed an issue where mordite would not be awarded to the correct player when killing creatures in multiplayer

  • Fixed an issue that could cause the third person camera to turn sluggishly

  • Fixed an issue where players respawning in Survival mode would have no life support and rapidly die again

  • Fixed an issue where some of Nada + Polo’s missions had untranslated text

  • Fixed an issue where some of the procedural missions given by NPCs had untranslated text

  • Fixed an issue where some exotic biomes incorrectly reported their weather as fine or calm

  • Fixed an issue where chairs did not display their text correctly

  • Fixed an issue where the launch fuel tutorial did not trigger correctly

  • Fixed a number of incorrect timings of mission update messages

  • Fixed an issue where activating the torch did not close the quick menu

  • Fixed an issue where Infra-Knife accelerator projectiles would originate from behind the player’s ship.

  • Fixed an issue where the freighter would not be visible to other players in multiplayer

  • Fixed a number of issues where expeditions would reward the wrong player in multiplayer

  • Fixed an issue where fleet frigates would return to the wrong location on completion of an expedition.

  • Fixed an issue where changing between first and third person camera while on a ladder would break player animations.

  • Fixed an issue where players would lose access to the main menu after reloading a save just after upgrading to NEXT

  • On PC, pressing P will default to opening the Log rather than Options. Options continues to be the default option for Esc.

  • Fixed an issue where Korvax eye textures would become misaligned.

  • Fixed an issue where falling animations would not play

  • Fixed an issue where the player would play the sliding animation while swimming

  • Fixed an issue that would stop players from firing or reloading their Multi-Tool in specific situations

  • Fixed an issue where Multi-Tool lasers would bend in the wrong direction.

  • Fixed an issue where the Multi-Tool glitched while going into the Analysis Visor

  • Fixed a number of issues for players in specific timezones


Oooh, I wonder whats new?

Funny, mine have already been growing in real time. Only noticed it recently. Even if the game is completely paused for ten minutest, my carbon will be back when I return. I was expecting them to fix prices soon once I noticed this :see_no_evil:

That’s great news about anomaly entrance, was very tricky to find in first person sometimes.

This has been the nicest fix list in a while, hope some make it in to the next official patch, am experiencing quite a lot of these :slight_smile:


Yes, this is indeed a nice large list of good fixes. Looking forward to giving them a try.

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I am still hoping to be able to continue with my day 1 save. I didn’t see the crash/ restart bug described in that list, unfortunately.

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OMG…reading through these patch notes is making me very emotional…that’s like everything I still have a problem with…efficient launch thrusters, fixes for legacy saves still not knowing and not being able to learn some blueprints…that post made me very happy.


Everything except the numerous frigate issues. They are still very broken but, yes, a very impressive list.


Make sure you submit that bug report, and attach your save just for good measure. I submit a copy of my saves with every bug that can be observed just by loading it up…if they want it, it’s right there, they don’t even have to ask…and if they don’t need it to fix the bug then great too.

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Glad to see the long list. Have been affected by several of the bugs and look forward to the public patch .

Did not see a mention about fixing the techs habits of falling through the cuboid rooms though.


Anyone confirm?

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If so, that has to be a bug. It wouldn’t make sense to purposely remove it. They made a specific player model animation for it. They even referenced it in the ARG.


The bit about introducing a massive growing time for crops is concerning…


Yeah I’m reading the reddit. I have a enough money, but I loved how fast frostworth grew so I could have a ton of glass for my new base. This will suck for those of us who use a farm for building supplies.

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Also not everyone can sink hours everyday into games.
Often its an hour or a few hours. It’s very hard to get immersed as it is if time is limited. Making it so every session is a chore will ruin the game.
Sure, I’ve got one billionaire save but I also have a fledgling save barely past basic base missions with a partially constructed 1 CB farm. What about everyone else with a new start?
How will any new game ever progress with crops not even growing in a play session?
I hope it is just a bug in the experimental version.


You know what’s the weirdest thing to me about this? THEY GAVE US FARMING! No one really asked for it, but they gave it to us and we liked it, and it hasn’t changed significantly since it was introduced. I’m a hardcore explorer and even I had a farm. It’s like they think because multiplayer is in the game they have to “balance” it or something.

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Guys…I don’t think they’re introducing massive growing time…the bit about plants growing in “real time” just means your plants will grow while the game is off…that’s it…it just means you don’t have to keep the game on for your plants to grow.


Too bad for the offline solo players or others not able to put massive time into it.
Im not $ hungry (which is why I stopped farming in my old save once I was wealthy enough to cruise but I would like to be able to get the ship I like and explore without the process taking months.
It can’t be correct. There has to be a mix up somewhere…?

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I hope so…
So what your saying is that over a given period regardless of if you play, the game will acknowledge time has passed and your crops will have grown in your absence.
That makes much more sense.


Right…it will likely be going off of the clock that your PC/PS4/XB1 has in it rather than the game itself counting the growth time…which will likely open the door to other exploits…like turning off the game, unplugging from the internet, changing the time and circumventing the growth time entirely.

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