Well, the base parts haven’t been fixed yet. Maybe they’ll tackle them in 1.52?
@Intrepolicious Be sure to write to zendesk about your issues!
Seems about right to me @bcatrek
oh gosh! and I did that all by myself! I feel so smart!
I did. I’m sure they’ll fix it soon (I hope!)
I’ll have to find other things to do besides build my bases for now… I can’t enjoy building anything with these pieces not working right ughh!
Maybe I’ll just go sight seeing and take some pictures.
New small patch
Latest changes on Experimental (27/07):
Fixed an issue that will restore more savegames for players who saved with partially repaired tech.
Fixed an issue where players who had partially repaired a piece of broken technology would have an incorrect item in the repair interaction
Fixed an issue where players in underwater bases played the wrong animations
Fixed an issue where freighters incorrectly reported they did not have enough fuel to warp
Fixed a crash in the base-building system
Improved garbage collection and reduced memory footprint of physics
Prevented occasional crash in animation
Reduce memory footprint of planetary textures from space
Ah. That’s about the only one I’ve run into myself. Nice to see that I don’t have to report it anymore.
Patch 1.51 out on PS4 right now…3.4GB!!
Not so astounding. They have to switch out at least the whole executable. And god knows what it’s got compiled into it as resources for performance improvements. I’ve seen games that had their entire texture library compiled in, especially on consoles… Probably not NMS though, HG knows they’ll be doing a lot of patching.
They’re still on it
Latest changes on Experimental (27/07):
Fixed a case where invalid characters could cause saves to fail to load Fixed the Base Restoration mission failing to find a proper site for your legacy base Fixed an issue where players would not know the Living Glass recipe after upgrading their save Fixed an issue where players would not know the Blueprint Analyser after upgrading their save Fixed an issue where players would not know the Frigate Fuel blueprint if they undertook the fleet tutorial in multiplayer Fixed a number of issues with Galactic Commission missions that involved freighters Fixed an issue where players would not see their ships docked aboard a freighter when loading Fixed an issue where players would see multiple ships docked on the same landing pad when loading Fixed an issue where the freighter bridge would unload after accepting a mission from the Galactic Commission Terminal Fixed an issue where players would be jettisoned into space after warping aboard another player's freighter Fixed a number of text bugs Fixed a number of incorrect prices
Come to find out, there’s a LOT of base building parts that aren’t working right just yet. The corner posts, which just got renamed to ‘linking posts’ yesterday (in the Small Adornments section of the new ‘Basic Components’) are still not snapping… nor are the old wall pieces where they’re supposed to snap onto the top of the cuboid rooms.
Speaking of Cuboid rooms, it’s also impossible to snap the interior staircase anywhere.
So the building parts still have some issues to be sorted out. I’m looking forward to it all working like it should! I’ve got some ideas for some base designs.
A small one:
Issues fixed on Experimental:
Fixed an issue with freighter expeditions where, under very specific circumstances, a certain pattern of loading and reloading within a limited timeframe could cause saves not to be loaded (Fix to recover saves for those affected will follow).
Improvements for text translations, especially Japanese
Some fresh good news (41MB)
Fix to restore savegames for players affected by a specific issue with freighter expeditions
Fix for an occasional white screen crash during loading
Fix for frigates not reporting their damaged state correctly
Fix for an issue that could block players in the “fuel the warp drive” stage of the tutorial
Fix for repairing broken ship slots in Creative Mode
Improvements to exocraft laser damage
Improvements for animations while turning, jetpacking, and standing on objects
Memory optimisations to improve stability
Preventative fix for potential stability issue with mission handling
Still nothing for base restoration ( posted 4 back by @kerdorin ) has a new fix for legacy base restoration. Some Redditors report success on PC restoring old base after that patch.
crosses fingers with @FRANK_CADILLAC
Brand new one:
Latest changes on Experimental (02/08):
Fix for crash while reloading mission markers from save
Fix for issue where invalid characters could be inserted into a save, causing it to fail to load
Switched to using lockless small block allocator for physics to reduce memory footprint
Fix for occasional crash when looking up data about substances in UI pages
I’ll be in holliday for the next 3 weeks so if a steam player can/want to post the next experimental fixes it’d be great
I’m kind of surprised that we didn’t see a new experimental build today. They must be hard at it making sure this next patch fixes more than it breaks. I’m trying really hard to be patient, but man I can’t wait till they fix those old infrastructure parts!
Experimental changes went live on pc NEXT Patch 1.54 - No Man's Sky