Nope, they are introducing new times.
Eh…seems fine…about two harvests a day seems ok…they also said they’re adjusting the value of the products too…so the things we make out of them will likely sell for a lot more as well.
What about those of us who used the farm to grow enough glass for our other bases? Now I have to go to a frost planet to get more glass. When I was doing recently was going to a Frost Planet, getting some frostworth and then going back to my farm and getting the frostworth from there.
Already been there(it’s a little more difficult now),
My current farm 2x corp, 2x mord, and 2x star bulbs, have left me using my landing pad to fill in the holes.
I have been doing about 1xcb, and 2-3x lg each nite, at least for the past 4-5 days.
I was still able to pull this off today at launch on experimental, but I am not sure if I will be able to keep it up tomorrow.
Not really, I mean, also remember vast building caps…you can now have far bigger farms as well…hell, put a base on a cold planet you can plant your glass flowers straight in the ground, no headaches.
This is a good point. Our farms can be much, much bigger. Real time works more in my favour, I kind of hated how grow time only happened during play time.
@Mad-Hatter it’s actually growing in real time as we speak, I noticed it the other day. Check it out guys and let me know I’m not going crazy. Harvest carbon or frostwort, pause or standby or turn off the game. Turn back on/unpause in fifteen mins and crops should be back with current times until patched.
Not sure if present since next or just since recent update.
That’s good if crops continue to grow in real time so you can return to reap the rewards of a previous session.
I was a bit nervous earlier when it seemed like that HG were going to nerf farming. There’s enough inventory juggling and grinding as it is. We don’t need more.
On that topic; I recently acquired the larger refiner that is installed in base areas. It’s great that it doesn’t chew fuel like the portable unit.
If only the terrestrial base planters were the same.
But… that’s exactly the situation in which this will be advantageous. You’ll have a fresh crop every time you start up the game, just like your frigates will be back.
I don’t like it when my game progresses without me playing it, but it is an inevitable side effect of multiplayer. Which is one reason why I was never fond of the idea.
For someone who only gets on every few days this is perfect for me, plus even if I did find myself getting on more regular, I can just let them grow without the worry of constantly tending to them.
So Biodomes don’t require fuel but the planters do? I guess that’s Freighter Farming finally nerfed then, (unless the old ‘Summon freighter to recharge trays’ still works, anyone tested this yet?)
With the new additions to complexity I planned on making a separate and dedicated farm anyway, but thankfully, cash isn’t really an issue yet so I can take my time at least.
Interesting how farming times appear to have increased so much, where I thought it would remain more or less the same, just based on a ‘different’ clock. My assumption for making this change could have partly been due to the multiplayer bug where farms would insta grow for joined/visiting players. Basically a required change due to ‘saved’ game time for the owner of the crops, being completely de-synced with other players. If the owner is not present, how can the game check for this ‘stored’ time? At least this is how the change from in-game time to real time made sense to me.
Now as a consequence, crops continue to grow, whether playing or not. I don’t really mind, as it would have made no difference as long as you are playing. Only difference being that if you quit the game to play again the next, all crops would then be fully grown. It’s not like the Gek farmer is harvesting for you, returning to a filled up storage.
So why the rather huge increase in grow time? Well, considering all the changes with NEXT, we pretty much ended up with unlimited farming. If done well, you’d not even be able to keep up with harvesting. Have multiple bases on the different weather type planets, plant the crops out in the open and start doing your rounds. Not to mention there are no limits to amount of crops to be placed anymore either. Even with a new fresh start, when focused on doing it right, it doesn’t take too long to get rich in no time. Having some friends to help out further speeds up farming.
A change is required to find a new balance for the game that makes sense, whether you like it or not. This is not just to annoy us with an attempt to have yet another grind. This is truly needed in my opinion and even then it will not be optimal, still allowing us to make a quick bug if being smart about it, no matter how long a crop takes to grow.
I built a decent sized freighter farm on day one of the update. Ive only harvested frostwort for glass but I’ve never had to refuel them . So I’d say yes warping still works
Also notice how a Biodome can have all crop slots filled again, because the door required to enter, no longer obstructs planting crops. So instead of 13 crops per dome, you can have 16 again, although 1 of them will be in the middle of the doorway.
Evening All,
With the new update in experimental, something cool has happened with one of the base specialists.
Spoiler alert!
Farmer will now research one more thing a day and it is like the underground treasure chests.
I am wondering when it resets time wise as you can only do it once then he says tomorrow?
Yeah I Know,
Does it work with legacy saves?
I don’t believe it’s the new experimental, as I did this yesterday on PS4. I haven’t been able to do it again, but I’m about to check if it is “every day”.
@DarthTrethon I don’t know if it works on legacy saves, but the materials needed to build the terminal are common enough that it’s worth a try.
EDIT: I just started up my game and it gave me a new mission for the farmer. Looks like it might have a 24 hour timer.
That’s good to know @dersvr and @DevilinPixy, I have plans for a large Liquid Explosive Farm, all I need is a toxic world. The Echinocactus and Fungal Mould will be grown outside, the Mordite will be grown in a couple of Biodomes, et voila.
The new growing times will effect the ratio’s of the crops planted but if they change the value of the finished product, then I may have to rethink things!
I’m still just getting used to things right now while keeping one eye on my farming enterprise.
I am not on the experimental branch myself, but the change does make some sense. On PC with a keyboard/mouse, I already had a hard time creating a macro mouse button to get the correct boost in the first place. Not to mention getting the insane boost to trigger. Now they basically keep the animation, but reduced the gain and likely prevented the insane boost to happen. With insane, I really mean insane speed, not even being able to control well where you end up.
Also keep in mind the new crop with blue glow, you find randomly spread across planets (Deuterium?). These are meant to give you a power boost. There was no real need to use these power surge crops when using your melee/sprint/jump trickery, although when combined, quite fun. With this new change, I think these crops will be of more use again, which was the intention of having them in the first place. For that reason, the change makes sense to me …
Sure enough using ‘system time’ will allow for exploits. However, keep in mind that your system requires the ‘proper’ time for a lot of applications to function correctly. Changing system time can lead to unwanted side effects. Sure enough you can change it back again. Also the fact that removing crops to re-plant is free and without loss (to reset times back to real-time), so yes, it can easily be abused, if it works the way I think it does. At least it would no longer require a PC if you want to cheat crops