Today was a total whirlwind! I’m really excited about the progress we’ve made as a group, and I was also super impressed with the wide range of skills that you all showed off I’m curious about what sort of skills and talents everyone here has, so I put together a survey! Hopefully this will help us to figure out where we’re strong and where we need to practice. And, it might also bring up some awesome special skills that we can all learn about! (Shameless plug for @doctordevice and his Physics/Math Jargon Q&A
The survey is totally anonymous, but I’m going to make an infographic with the information collected and share it here before my next vlog I hope you’ll take the time to fill it out and also share it with any other Waking Titan communities so we can get as many answers as possible!
Anyway, here’s the link. I used one of the default templates I thought was cute (and thematic!)
PS: I also added a new subforum for us to help each other learn about the topics we’ve encountered so far, and to share knowledge in general. Check out the rules post here!