Music Tastes among ETARCers?

Getting close to two years since my mam passed, this one’s for my dad (and all dad’s everywhere) <3


Knower dropped a nice little EP of live songs including two that were only ever available as YouTube uploads, now I can listen to em on Spotify :slight_smile:

They also uploaded a completely new live video, unrelated to the live EP tracks, from a 2024 performance <3


Wreckage Systems v2

3 year anniversary coming February 14th. Paul Wolinski part of panel at Guildford.Games Festival (Hello Games is one of the sponsors).


Such a great vinyl find today (among others) …


Edited YT url for embed to a full album version as playlists do not appear to work.
YT Playlist :link:


I’m forever on the lookout to find it in the wild, not actively just, waiting for the day I stumble into it. Congratulations on finding such a beautiful record :heart_eyes:

Oddly enough I did buy some soundtracks today, an Ennio Moricone horror soundtrack and the Cowboy Bebop Soundtrack. My collection had been sorely lacking in OST I realised so I’m trying to rectify that, I got Minecraft/dwarf fortress OST in December as part of that effort too :slight_smile:

Been meaning to share pictures here but worlds part 2 happened and so everything else can wait.


I still have my original 1978 version. Shame, really - I haven’t owned a record player for 15 years. I meant to get an old stereo, pull the deck out, and use it as the basis of a home-build project. Then vinyl became fashionable again, and the price of old record players went through the roof.


Yes, it’s funny how interest has been changing for that matter. Good quality vinyl (with the right equipment) has always been better than CDs, but those shiny disks made records almost worthless at some point, with a price per kilogram. I now wish I had bought all my music in vinyl, because it has completely turned around again.

I’d better find a decent VHS player soon too eh? Been getting really popular lately as well. And sure enough, got all those worthless DVDs …


And for some reason, this exists too … got this video recommended to me a while back. I just can not imagine …


What I consider to be the greatest comedy series of all time, features VHS heavily.


As a retro format I find it kinda funny if it were to come back in the way vinyl did.

Mostly because, while vinyl boasts a superior audio quality to most formats, the same can not be said about VHS.

Most of the times the run time was clipped to fit on the tape, and also the aspect ratio is cropped so you miss a good chunk of frame (unless they went the opposite direction and added black bars to make 4:3 look widescreen

Can we bring betamax back instead? It never had its time to shine and spec wise, it was vastly superior in terms of image quality and durability.


Hi fellow travellers, thank you for being an awesome community.

Hope everyone is feeling the :heart: today.


Posting it here … finally got this!


So cool. :heart_eyes: I am jealous.

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