Music Tastes among ETARCers?

Nice one, cool idea.

Starting a band baby, starting a band


Here’s some dirty and heavy guitars…


While I’ve been digging the new Vulfpeck album I only realised last week they’ve a whole new slew of videos to go with it I hadn’t seen. Can’t help but live the vibe in this one

Also if nobody was aware, half of Vulfpeck are in an Irish trad funksouljazzfusiontypething band with the fastest piper on the planet and I’ve had the joy of seeing em live a few times last year :smiley:

Here’s a little doc on how that came about

(it only shows Joe dart but Theo Katzman comes on board too)


So someone mentioned Guitar Hero. @toddumptious maybe? Anyway, it reminded me of the Rock Band version of the game and how much I loved playing the drums on this song with my kids both on guitar. Prolly the closest I will ever come to actually playing the drums. :smile:


BEYOND v2.0 :heavy_plus_sign: Virtual Paradise

There once was a guy
Created something special

He worked so hard
He found a way to get us to the inside
Inside of the virtual world

A success for everyone
Until we tried to get out

I couldn’t see
Another thing without it
Or see myself without it

So talk talk back to the other side
Before I knew about this world

“Are you alright, are you alright?”
Who’s alright, who’s alright with you


I think I had a response to that initial discussion but forgot to hit reply. Something along the lines of rock band needed a spoons instrument add on just for that song.

<3 Chris Cornell. I used to replay that scene from the movie singles with matt dillon trying out his car speakers and Chris is just standing there, reacting. I haven’t seen that movie since I was twelve maybe… I get the feeling it’s probably not as good as I remember. I just loved that the other members of Citizen Dick were basically Pearl Jam. Laine Staileys in that movie too. So many greats gone far before their time :frowning:


No new music! :frowning: I’ll have to go to the ETARC playlist and start again.

I finally got the pictures of the home-maid electric diddly bow I made for my brother off my tablet, i actually remembered they back up to photo services.

As promised…Little bit grainy pictures of my home-maid electric diddly bow

More photos: close-ups

pick-up is removable.

Alligator clips connect cable


This is new…of something old…done in an old way…but it is new. :upside_down_face:


I guess I meant, “no more music”. Must be my aaacceeent. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

:bullettrain_front::train::train::train: ¯ \ (ツ):train: :train:

Thank you! Now where is the game that goes with this?


I can imagine playing classic Megaman to this. Awesome stuff.


I love 8-bit music, it reminds me of my attempts on early home computers to create music. I recall typing in this program from a Dutch MSX magazine and learning how it worked. By this time I knew how to read sheet music as well. Just too bad I do no longer have the cassettes where I saved my attempts on, but ‘Smalltown Boy’ by Bronski Beat is imprinted on my brain.

Come to think of it, I probably drove my parents crazy playing this for days and messing around with it.

MSX Computer Magazine (1985)

Here is the result:

The parents of my best friend at the time, had a Tandy 1000 or 2000 PC with a green monochrome monitor. He was a great pianist and mostly liked to play Jazz, Blues and Boogie Woogie. We only had the main manual for MS-DOS Basic (GW-Basic?) which I believe came pre-installed. Commands were not even fully described (PLAY), but after trial and error, I managed to code up some songs my friend described the notes for. Too bad I can’t find anything that sounds even close to what we managed to get out of that tiny build-in 3-way channel speaker. We were so proud of what we created though. This was my first introduction to MS-DOS and early PC in the 80s, was a great time.

This is some 8-bit music that sounds as close as it gets, although still far from the raw sound we got.


This popped up in my suggestions after a recent binge. 8 Bit is strangely addictive. :smile:


One of my favourite game soundtracks from recent years is by a band called Animaniguchi, while the soundtrack is more 16bit to 32bit in style it dabbles in 8bit and they band use a range of each in their general work. They actually have Nintendo entertainment systems rejigged and hooked up to their midi controllers so they’re pulling the sounds straight from the soundboards rather than emulating them with vst etc.

They do soundtrack work but they’re an actual band, I haven’t really explored their work outside of this game but I should probably mention the game now haha.

Scott pilgrim video game soundtrack. Solid beat em up side scroller, solid soundtrack.


This is for @DarthBane2016 for this post


Uploader has Not made this available in my country but my brain automatically played it for me, whether I wanted to or not, as soon as I read the song title.

That was several minutes ago and my brain still insists on playing it on repeat, just the chorus too.


Giving this my first listen through as I type this, two songs in and it’s glorious @_@

Available on streamy sites.

Good to finally have a map for the wilderness I’ve been wandering in for the last few months (click for context)

It’s also streamable on YouTube if that’s your jam


one of my favorites.
got albums from them in the 80’s in Italy


I am not really into Skrillex type music, but I have always liked techno. Well, the only artist I can name is Fatboy slim and Moby.

I thought this hit a nostalgic cord, came a crossed it with the kiddos, playing board games and fight over music choices.


It’s cool to know I’m not the only one here who loves cake


Wanted to share my long-time goto for listening to some music while working on other things:

They have lots of different underground/alternative channels to listen to, either through the browser, or by downloading direct links for use in your own preferred media player (VLC in my case). Whichever channel you pick, it will be 24/7 commercial-free, which is another thing I love about Soma FM.

My favourite channels are Lush, Beat Blender, and Cliqhop idm, but plenty more to choose from if you want to try something different.