I’m kinda thinking the parcel in the background means the 4th glyph will come with the 9/16 package. However, we should definitely keep digging.
There’s a package on the way, most seem to feel it will solve the 4th glyph
I’m also going to point out: SCALES seems to be the right answer.
However, ESALSC is not “SCALES” backward… It’s SCALES “jumbled up”. It’s a “Jumble” style word puzzle. I had mused recently over on Reddit… “What if PORTAL (hidden word in NMS cassettes) just becomes part of a Jumble-type word puzzle leading to an answer like, TROPICAL?”
I just updated the Resources & Information thread, feel free to go through and error check me!
Anyone checked the bar code on the package, yet?
In the new PDF from the email that confirms sending tape 9/16 out, following the YouTube link takes you to Arcade Fire’s ‘Supersymmetry’ - in (particle physics?) super symmetry is a competing theory with the theory of multiverses
No idea what this implies, of course.
Credits to @JamCow and @Espilonarge !
On WakingTitan.com, we have two new glyphs and the third sigil unlocked.
For Glyph 3, there is an image of a bunch of post-it notes, with arrows, laid out like this:
O > B > A > X
v v v v
S < R < F < N
v v v ^
Q < J < G > K
^ ^ ^ v
D > E < W > M
If you start in the top left and try to get to the bottom right, you get OBAFGKM. When you google that, it returns an article about Spectral Classification. Spectral unlocked Glyph #3. (Answer provided by Reddit user Vandius84)
Meanwhile, on Discord, Priathic called the number on the website (Multiverse Call - Clyp) and sent an email stating they had knowledge in ‘Abelian Groups and Group Theory’, something they mentioned they needed on the message.
They got a response:
“Specific expertise detected.
Input desired branch of mathematics in subject line to info@multiverse-75.com
With some discussion and cleverness, they sent the answer ‘Algebraic Topology’ and got another reply:
: Input > Valid candidate in algebraic topology
Executing process POSTBOX…
Do you want to trigger the mailing of package #9 /16?
Confirm in subject line with code ID : 817IDAS to info@multiverse-75.com
(Once confirmed…)
: Package #9 /16 has been sent. Please stand by.
ETA: Week of June 19
// http://bit.ly/2sa872g
^ above link leads to new pdf: https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.wakingtitan.com/data/7d3dd080-2a43-4882-833c-f4d7bd7ba607.pdf
3rd Sigil solution:
When using the Echo’s “color identification” codes for Red, Green, Blue, I went and copied the images in to Photoshop and zoomed in, noticing an “oddity” in each picture.
There are dots and lines on them. (
Upon using RGB as the clue from Echos-64, I was able to confirm that these dots and lines were in fact morse which, when translated, in order of RGB, is “. … .- .-… … -.-.” or “ESALSC” which is an anagram for SCALES
NOTE: This is still a work in progress! It is a compiled post of the solutions to the 3rd glyph, 3rd sigil, and to come, 4th glyph. This post will be edited as the 4th glyph is solved!
I feel like most of it is just to add flavor, but this page was very physics-heavy. I’m a few years into a PhD for particle physics, and would be happy to hold an “AMA” of sorts here to explain the physics-related jargon on the page. Would anyone be interested in that?
It’d have to be later today or tomorrow, real life is gonna get in the way for a while today. Also, if anyone else has a physics/math background I’d love some assistance.
I would be so into that. Maybe you could even just start a Q&A thread?
it is just RGB → BGR i think
a better view https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.wakingtitan.com/a04-c991c2a8-f6cd-4df6-b576-a331bba1f70d.mp4?v=1.0
which is also on mercury records
That’s a good idea. I’ll start one and people can leave questions so I can come back when I have time to answer them / edit them into the main post. Seems like that should be in “WT Thoughts & Theories”, yeah?
Yep, that seems like the right spot!
I wonder what the purpose of that square is on the top image of multiverse-75 that highlights? It doesn’t seem to be clickable, so why would it highlight?
honestly, my brain exploded upon reading your detective work. how am I supposed to keep up with such genious???
This continues my theory that HG is signing off on the PDFs with YT links.
Arcade Fire is signed to Mercury Records, Mercury is represented on the periodic table as Hg, HG is a common abbreviation for Hello Games.
They’re signing it “TOP SECRET, 2017, HELLO GAMES”
so three out of the four YT links have been songs released by Mercury records?
The third song form the german movie Run Lola Run seems to be the only one not released by that label.
Yeah, it’s also the only one that wasn’t in a PDF. Makes you wonder why that song was on the website.