hello there
A whispering has been heard…
hello there
A whispering has been heard…
The only eggs I’ve ever seen on dead worlds are the monstrosity eggs.
Please listen, traveller!
Having Ocarina of time flashbacks…
Does this pop up now as soon as you launch the game? If so, I might have to scrap my reading evening…
Also, if so, they did pack more into the last update than they let on. Which isn’t surprising, just that I expected it to kick in with the last weekend event.
So by ‘dead’ I assume he means the abandoned space stations. I have been hoping for some explanation on why they are abandoned. And they are the last gen space stations as well…from before the last reset. This is getting interesting.
Sounds more like he’s refering to dead planets. You know, the ones you usually find the whispering eggs on.
That makes it extremely likely that this melodic egg is somehow related to the biological horrors.
Ahhh, ok. He got the message as he entered the space station. But those stations are not neccessarily abandoned. Gotcha.
I had always thought of those systems as “abandoned” that have the derelict space station and corrupted versions of all of the buildings.
That is what I was thinking. I have not been to one in a long time. May have to go on a journey.
Packing my
Remember that Xaine found 2 eggs in the new files: https://www.xainesworld.com/no-mans-sky-2-26-has-new-hidden-ship-character-customization-items-in-the-game-files/
SPECIAL.MYSTERYEGG and SPECIAL.STORYEGG maybe it has to do with those.
Since nobody else reported it, maybe it’s something to do with those?
I thought that wasn’t even a question worth bringing up. I would be very surprised if these things were unconnected. I mean, it’s called storyegg, and now we’re apparently getting a story, with an egg. Can’t get much more obvious.
In any case, I’m beginning to see the outlines of a pattern here. We had the weekend events, which were not all that great, but if there was one interesting thing about them, then it was that groups seemed to be randomly attacked by Biological horrors.
Now somebody gets two mysterious messages connected to a “melodic egg”, apparently connected to dead planets, traditionally the spawning grounds of biological horrors, whose eggs are known to at least whisper.
To top it off, the messages don’t really say anything. They say “10” and “9”, and I’m willing to bet that the next one will say “8”. They have not been encountered by everyone playing the game, possibly being diseminated randomly. It’s obvious that their only purpose at the moment is to create questions and mystery.
I’m getting Waking Titan vibes from this. Only this time, it’s finally happening in-game. Don’t hang me if I’m wrong, but that’s my working hypothesis at the moment.
Sorry for stating the obvious
Well, I packed too many bags for that trip because it did not take long to find an Abandoned Station. The system does indeed contain a Life-Unsustainable planet.
I have now travelled to several abandoned systems - it didn’t trigger any special message for me.
If the message is indeed associated with abandoned systems and/or dead worlds, it looks like there’s also a large random factor involved.
BTW, if you want an easy way to find abandoned systems:
If you have the full set of ship scanners (economy, race, conflict), an abandoned system shows data for race and economy, but none for conflict level. This knowledge allows you to find them on your map.
I’ve started so many new games over the years, I’ve lost count. I’ve completed the Atlas Path many times - so in my current playthrough, I didn’t bother.
Not until this thread came up, that is. It’s apparent that the original Reddit poster was involved in the Atlas Path. And since I’m not having any joy pursuing dead worlds and abandoned systems, I decided to give Atlas a try.
Well it hasn’t (so far) triggered the Melody of The Egg. But I have discovered that the Atlas Path has entirely new lore attached to it. I’m finding all sorts of new clues - many of which hint at new developments in the story.
I promise, if you’re fascinated by the story, it’s well worth doing the Atlas Path again.
ceci n’est pas une pipe… ?
The famous pipe. How people reproached me for it! And yet, could you stuff my pipe? No, it’s just a representation, is it not? So if I had written on my picture “This is a pipe”, I’d have been lying!
— René Magritte
I entered an Atlas Station, warped to an Abandoned star system and entered its space station, and warped to a system with an empty planet; still no transmission or new mission pop-up. The guy on the reddit post said it takes a long time in-between each event, so it may only occur after 2 hours of gameplay like the old way the Space Anomaly would spawn.
I think I have a grasp on what’s going on.
These messages appear randomly at parts in the story. Either by accident or by design.
Looking through the language files, I found what the poster was talking about and more; but it was in an old mbin (update3). The information is sprinkled throughout the file, near points of the story that cooberate what he was experiencing. (i.e the quest was probably triggered by the text’s proximity to lines of dialogue associated with other quests)
I’m gonna dump some of it here, but beware (spoilers)
There isn’t any additional context here. Surrounding information pertains to pre-existing questlines. So I think this is incomplete. My theory is that this is a new questline that aims to tie together disparate elements of the story, and connect everything back to the final 16 minutes. What do you lads think?
So, incomplete data triggered prematurely by a glitch? NMS would certainly be staying true to itself if that were the case…
But since bugs, glitches, repetition and universal selective amnesia are all part of NMS’ lore, they might even be able to use that in their favour.
Some of those look like cryptic descriptions of portal glyphs. Put together, they would make a ten digit address.
Some are a bit ambiguous. Here’s a few I’m fairly sure of: