May 22-26 New WT Commands and Cont'd Dev Kit Arrivals

I know what a blacklight is. You can shine a blacklight on an imgur image?


Looks to me like a regular LED flashlight. Who has a blacklight? 1 in 500 people?


I suspect they want us to draw several different images on paper, pile them up, and shine a light through.

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These need to be put in the right order,

1 - “W/ARE Tech support, how can I help you?”
2 - “Hello, uhm… I would like to have a follow-up on an incident related to your headset.”
1 - “On your W/ARE device?”
1 - “No, on my computer.”
4 - “I’m very sorry that you have experienced discomfort with your device. Can you give me the last four digits of your client number”
2 - “6 - E - 6 - 9?”

2 - “I see you emailed our department yesterday about the same inquiry. Do you still suffer from the previously mentioned symptoms?”
4 - “Actually, I took an Aspirin, went to bed, and it disappeared over night.”

1 - “You said you went to sleep immediately after taking your medication”
1 - “I started a new game, played a bit, and went to bed after.”

3 - “Were your sleeping patterns the same as usual?”
3 - “I slept a lot, actually.”

4 - “Do you have an approximate amount of time?”
1 - “Uhm, ten hours tops. This is very unusual to me.”

2 - “Thank you for taking the time to update us on your condition. I see that you’ve ordered some of our exclusive blood thinners, did you follow the prescription instructions?”
2 - “I never used them. This morning, though, my body feels actually stiff. Should I have taken them?”
3 - “Can you identify where this feeling is coming from?”
3 - “Right side mostly, arms and legs.”

3 - “Excuse me sir, I need to verify something. I will be back in a moment.”(Clock work jewellery box tune plays for 18 seconds)
4 - “Thank you for your patience. I relayed a quick recap of your symptoms to our internal specialist, and your condition seems to be related to a mild case of brain fatigue. We suggest you take pauses between play sessions so your mind relaxes. If your symptoms persist, we suggest you consult a health specialist to make sure you don’t have any underlying conditions that could interfere with the headsets performance.”
3 - “Alright, thank you very much.”
2 “Thank you for choosing Ware


:scream: So many medical procedure docs!

3 permanent marks, sellotape and a light can turn your phone into a blacklight


What about shining a black light on any of the pages that have been received with the dev kits, might reveal a message?

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Do NOT remove headset after incident. Can cause permanent brain damage even after recovery.
Exceptions to the above doc follow 8 pages long! :scream:


We need to know if he took the aspirin for a headache and dizziness or just a headache… :scream: We are going to kill poor Arnaud! :scream: :grimacing:


Has @bcatrek had anything new with his dev kit? I’ve not seen a post from him in a while?! Have W/ARE caught up with him?? :anguished:

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I have not heard from him either. Trying to pull people over from another thread.

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If we need to use a blacklight on something, it can only be on paperwork recently supplied by A&S. They can’t have put secret UV messages on anything else. And the only people who have any of that are the people who received the Dev kits.


What about the books?


anybody checked the sim cards ?

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Great minds think alike :wink:

Worth I try @jedidia :+1:

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Or how about the books Cobra TV and others got?


I’m guessing the images of the sharpys and tape etc are the recipe for making a makeshift black light as suggested by @DarkbyDesign

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Let me clarify: How about SHINING THE BLACKLIGHT on the books Cobra TV and others got.


Yeah good idea @jedidia mentioned that too :+1: