It will be my first galaxy reset…salty
edit for a missing s
It will be my first galaxy reset…salty
edit for a missing s
I agree, especially if we own a drm free version of the game. It makes sense and I hope your right. We just don’t know what they will do with save files yet. As long as Next allows us to take advantage of the new changes, WHERE WE ARE CURRENTLY, it should be fine. Personally, I feel the process of reloading can be overused to great gain and may be as big an issue, but I don’t see a better way to do it, considering the need to address numerous game crashes.
I wonder how many PC players will go back to their game files and “readjust” how big they can build and/or where, before installing Next…
Oh our current saves will definitely be able to access all NEXT content…even if multiplayer is a separate game mode. But the more I look at today’s reveals the more I think there in no PvP at all…no player on player combat was shown in the trailer and the blog notes say nothing of PvP at all. The pray on others bit could simply be referring to NPC ships and freighters.
They do keep showing characters in the background using their lasers on structures and a visible smoke pile appearing, could be trying to hint at other players being able to destroy base pieces.
Sean did mention coop base building back at the first Inside Xbox event in May…how that works remains to be seen. Each base still only has one owner I believe so base alterations may be gated to people you’re currently joined in a party with. I don’t think just anyone will be able to go to your base when you’re away and tear it down.
Base building appears to work as it does presently, with a ghost image appearing where someone is placing something.
What I’m referring to is in the underwater scene you can see someone using mining laser on a pipe, or in background of box art screenshot a player is shooting a door on the main structure of a base.
Either they like including noobs in their videos doing noob things, or it’s to demonstrate building peices can be damaged (most likely an optional feature you can toggle like minecraft etc) or it just looks cool to do it for screenshot and trailers, so the xbox players know there’s guns and things to shoot
They were demonstrating underwater building…but I don’t think you have to worry about strangers messing with your bases while you’re away. I think that to activate multiplayer you have to specifically invite someone in your game…likely by interacting with their orb when you run into them. If they accept they then you become a team…and you can build together and whatever…but when they are no longer in your party they can no longer mess with your base and stuff…even if they helped you build it.
Reminds me of how fable worked, think was the second but could be wrong, may have only been introduced in third
That’s a big relief to me to know my current save will work with Next. I wonder if the somewhat missing pvp might be because there is a required time or experience level requirement to enter pvp “zones or galaxies” Or maybe they have created a new “sector” that works differently than the main game and they couldn’t show that in today’s reveal location. I suspect pvp might be done on a smaller scale and wouldn’t count it out yet.
I doubt it…I think the more likely scenario is that there is simply no PvP at all and people just read way too much into the “prey on others” comment…that can simply mean be pirates together, shoot down NPC ships and freighters…nothing about it mandates that it MUST be referring to players.
I see a lot of ‘Fable-esque’ ideas in the trailer. I read a great Euro gamer article about Lionhead and I can definitely see that HG has been inspired by their work.
I think I know exactly the euro gamer article you are talking about, laughed and wept a little while reading so many amazing stories from former staff. Molyneuxs problem was he just loved to talk about every idea that came into his head that day, I believe the dev team didn’t even know about things until they saw Peter giving an interview at e3 and then realising they better have a working prototype before he gets back from LA, just in case XD.
Sean’s similar in a way, he just talked passionately about their ideas for the game before any of it was set in stone and I can see how that’s easy to do. I’m a creative person myself and I’m always talking about things I’ll abandon or change moments later. So I have always sorta empathised with Peter Molyneux or Phil fish types to an extent, but I think Sean got awful treatment for what was essentially just passion talking, and theres plenty of interviews where journalists were kind to Sean and left in the parts where he said “not everything will be there at launch but we will continue to support the game” but majority of places cut down his quotes or went with the feature expose edit so its just buzz words and ideas, and that’s what the majority saw, and they let their expectations go wild, there were plenty of interviews where Sean said multiplayer would not be a thing at launch but something they’d like to add eventually.
hell even the week before the game came out sean made a statement on their website to clarify what would be there at launch, said nms multiplayer is something they hope to have working a year or two after launch and referred to it as NMS:ONLINE, and nobody circulated that at all, you see this happen a lot in journalism, quotes cut and removed from context etc.
Honestly game journalists should be ashamed of how they decided to pander to a vicious mob for the ad revenue hits than do a decent person a solid and report about them genuinely.
And that’s why they’re so adamant about sticking to silence now. Sean’s an excitable guy and he just loves talking about whatevers inspiring or motivating him at the time and getting all geeky about code and sci fi he just can’t help but ramble off about things, so just best to avoid all of it just in case, lesson learned, journos are jerks.
(woah sorry, think I spent too long reading comments on new trailer on YouTube from idiots saying “more lies from Sean it seems, not falling for this twice”)
So… Calming down a bit now, reading and looking at it all again, certainly one way it seems in which Multiplayer is accessed is through the Galactic Commission Station on your freighter. It seems to imply that this is where you can access MP to take on missions with others in a similar vein to the missions we already have. (Eliminate Sentinels will now have you and three others)
In that regards it would indicate, MP is within your existing save and not a separate or new save file. How death would affect you while playing MP I can’t say.
It would also suggest that you should trust the people you play with as a, “Random Traveler” could be, “That guy” that mows you down.
This doesn’t quite explain the large ship with the space-side landing pads at the end of the trailer though as would you really need it for a “mission” perhaps you just make yourself “visible” to allow anyone to join you or set yourself to “invite only” to only join with friends.
The more I look at the footage the more sketchy the details of PvP become…the line of preying on others sure makes everyone pretty unanimously think PvP…and in the context of the conversation it sure sounds like it. But they haven’t shown any PvP nor provided any better explanation which makes me think we won’t get one until launch. But I am getting suspicious…I think it many either not be there at all since preying on others could be us being pirates together vs NPCs or it’s not really a mode…which is what I’m inclined to think. I think we have to agree to join a group and if there is PvP that’s when it would become relevant…once you’ve trusted someone to be on your team. But they aren’t mentioning it because if someone who is all about PvP and wants to buy the game for that they’ll likely be disappointed because they can’t just endlessly grief others or spawn camp and so on. I think PvP will more or less have to be mutually agreed upon…you might be able to get the drop on someone once if you’re fast before they kick you from the group or leave it themselves but not much else.
Yeah a group of three friends and one random could turn into a very quick PvP. MP seems a lot more fun in the trailer than when it was first announced though.
Perhaps all it means is that, “Friendly Fire” is turned off? That would certainly tick the PvP box
I can see it now though, two hubs have a disagreement, they each send two mercs to settle it.
Absolutely. It’s always been about what they deemed as the game’s deficiencies and not the amazingly ambitious and ground breaking work they have done (with a microscopic team).
Firstly, forgive me, friends – I’ve been “away” awhile…
2nd, quick thanks to @SingularGleam – yes, it was “Inside Xbox”.
However, without yet clicking through, I’ll just say that I happened to watch one which seemed to be “the full” interview, as it was quite long… I know many “re-purposers” (re-posters) of vids will often trim, etc…
3rd, @toddumptious – thank you! I will bookmark that thread to peruse when I’ve more time ,but I remain GRATEFUL to discuss PvP in NEXT some more, here, as invited; will try to ensure the prev. thread’s contents are reflected in my future comments…
Plus, the Reality sets in tomorrow anyway… perhaps we’ll have a NEW thread to discuss WHAT WE LIKE and WHAT WE DON’T…??
Who’s in charge of setting those up? x x
Ciao peeps… for now…
Only staff have the ability to change the structure of the forum. There has been some discussion, and we’re expecting something to happen soon.
I think the No Mans Sky website has been updated
If the Min Specs for NMS has “gone up” significantly since launch, I may be buggered…
[edit] I’m a bit too scared to go look… [/edit]