I'm making a community video! Send your clips in!

I’m making a “Mr. Blue Sky” video, all you have to do is capture a clip of a blue sky, maybe in 3rd person, 1st person, next to your new base, underwater, from space, etc. Creativity is much desired. If this is the wrong place to put this, just let me know!

This is the “official” image I made for all the details:

Links (for ease of access):

Twitter: https://twitter.com/EricGuy_2
Email: ericguytwo@gmail.com

Can’t wait to see what you come up with. Woop! :sunglasses:

Edit: I have about a dozen so far, keep 'em coming! (didn’t realize editing bumped the thread. My bad.)

Edit 2: More than 20 now , see my latest “Last Call” post :+1:


I think I know what music you’ll be (or should be) using! -)

Hey there mister blue
We’re so pleased to be with you
Look around see what you do
Everybody smiles at you



Of course, I wanted an upbeat song and ELO has some of the best! Cheers

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I will be spending quite some time with the game today. I will get some footage for you, however I have yet to see a Blue sky in this iteration!

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Really?? Okay if you want you can do a night shot, most night skies are blue in the game. :slight_smile:

An action shot is preferable, you can just run around or do an emote I have a lot of scenic ones with no action :sweat_smile:

Last call for any remaining clips! I won’t accept any after 12 hours from this post. Massive thanks to all those who contributed! :sun_behind_small_cloud::blue_heart: