If you’re new to this board - or even if you’ve been here for a while, but no-one’s explained it to you.
You will often see people’s names quoted in posts with an “@” symbol in front of them. It means that the poster has chosen that the person named will be notified when the post is made. On this board, you get brownie points for doing it.
But nowhere in the instructions does it tell you how to do it. The board uses all manner of complex BBcode and HTML instructions, but nowhere does it tell you how to put “@” in front of someone’s screen name.
And it’s ridiculously simple. It doesn’t require any codes, or brackets, or parentheses, or special formatting.
All you need to do is type “@”, and then the user’s screen name - all in one string. So my screen name is Polyphemus. I can notify myself by typing @Polyphemus - and it gets automatically highlighted. The screen name owner gets notified. You get the brownie points.
This was probably obvious to a lot of people - but it took me ages to understand it. I hope this explanation helps someone like me…