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Terrorists have blown up a taxi outside the local women’s hospital in my home town of Liverpool.

It’s the main maternity facility for the city. The guy was targetting women and babies.


I saw that this morning. Not sure how new born babies are such a threat. Sick person. Was he in the taxi, I hope.


Yes, the guy with the bomb was in the taxi - although the police have since arrested four others. They’ve also carried out a controlled explosion at an address in the city.

Amazingly, the taxi driver survived with relatively minor injuries. Early reports suggested that only the detonator had actually exploded, and that looks likely from the video. The spread of fire in the cab is so rapid, it looks like it’s the main charge that’s burning. There’s not normally much in a taxi passenger footwell to burn like that.


Well… this wasn’t what I expected at all. My mostly-enforced embargo on news spares me awful things like this. Argh, this planet…

My people - mostly, the Irish, are terrorists too, as the Brits well know. I have no idea if this is Islamic or Irish, but I hate them. I wish nothing but extreme punishment on them all, and those who support them, of all peoples. Worthless monsters. :skull_and_crossbones:


It doesn’t make sense. Why did the passenger set the thing off knowing that he was still in the car? A suicide bombing seems unlikely given that it wasn’t a military target with no chance of escape. Why a womens hospital - it’s the most unlikely of targets.

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Are they sure the thing was supposed to go off there? There’s a lot in here that looks like a botched attempt, so I guess it’s possible the thing should have exploded somewhere else, and without the bomber ending as fuel for the fire? It seems like a really weird plan if you have other options and lacking an extremely religious motivation…


My own suspicion is that the bomb went off prematurely. The latest information from the police investigation suggests that the guy made the bomb himself, from materials he had been gathering for some 7 months. The trouble with suicide bombs is that you get fairly limited opportunities for testing them.

There is also speculation about whether the hospital was his intended target. At the time of the explosion, there was a remembrance day parade taking place only about a mile away.

At the moment, we just don’t know. The bomber is dead, and as far as I know, he left no communication.


If they don’t find any communication that would be a pretty strong indication that the suicide part was unintentional.